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Subject: And Sadomasochists Have The Most Fun of All

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Date Posted: 01:05:04 07/17/07 Tue
In reply to: Kuro 's message, "Sadists Are Rather Interesting, But Masochists Are More Fun" on 14:37:02 07/15/07 Sun

((No worries. I kind of forgot this was here as well, I was watching Red Dragon when I remembered. ^_^))
The male was only a bit disappointed that the female did not respond to the taunt, or at least not physically, but he could sense that it upset her. That was good enough for him at the moment.

The smirk remained fixed on his features and he settled his weight back a bit. He could play a waiting game as well as any cat could, probably because his first mentor was a snow leapord shifter, and he was not going to be the one to make a hasty move just because the female decided to try and use silence to goad him into making a mistake. He was not that foolish. "You know, I just realize that we haven't even been properly introduced, and that's important if we're going to rip each other into shreds. Name's Jerome," the male allowed his lyrics to sound as though he truely regretted not offering introductions sooner, although he really didn't care. He also didn't care whether or not the female offered her name in return. It was simply another game to him.

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[> [> [> Subject: Interesting That There's a Sadmasochistic Polar Bear Shifter Around Here, Isn't It? No Joke.

Kuro Maata
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Date Posted: 21:37:34 07/17/07 Tue

((heh heh. I love Anthony Hopkins! Regardless, I'm once again going to be away for the next four days. (seriously, I counted this time). so, please please please forgive me.))

Kuro blinked, cocking her head to listen, almost like she was interested. "Kuro Maata," she said plainly. If it was odd for a slave to have two names, it was even weirder that they state it as an introduction. Maybe she was waiting for Dorjan to show up, maybe she was just bored and wanted to see how long before her new toy got bored. A few seconds passed before she sighed and shook her head. "Too bad I can't shift. Stupid thing in my stomach is keeping me like this for another two weeks." Kuro's mood, much because of the growing parasite in her belly, had the habit of changing as frequently as the direction of the wind. "Or else I'd hook up with you. You're blond. I like blonds." If anyone who truly knew the jaguar shifter was around to comment, they'd probably raise an eyebrow at her comment and shake their head; it wasn't like her to try and seduce a thief who had just broken into the mansion. They would probably place the blame on the hormones again.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: A sadomasichistic Polar Bear shifter??!! Yelp

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Date Posted: 13:42:28 08/02/07 Thu

((OMG. I am so sorry it taken me so long to get to replying...My life is just really hectic at the moment))

Jerome blinked rather taken aback that he'd actually been answered...not to mention kind of sort of flirted with. It was something that had never happened to the young thief before--at least when he was out on a job-- and he was unsure how exactly to respond. "Really that is a gorgeous name...And it is a shame about the babe, I'd love to know what you look like as a human," despite his inner turmoil the words managed to come as smoothly as ever and gave no hint that he was startled. It had been awhile since he'd complimented or flirted with anyone, on purpose, so he was a bit rusty at it. Giving a soft smile that could almost be taken for genuine if not for the laughter that danced in his eyes the blonde shifted slightly so that he was in a more comfortable postion, but still alert. If Kuro was not going to attack he saw no reason for him to do so first...besides it had been awhile since he'd met someone who'd managed to catch him off guard. There was no reason to rush things.

((Not sure how i liked that one))

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Yeah, He's Interesting Until He Starts Chomping Chunks Out of His Skin

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Date Posted: 09:15:53 08/06/07 Mon

Kuro seemingly ignored all of it to rub an itchy shoulder against the couch at her back. Purring softly when she was satisfied with it, the jaguar blinked lazily and cocked her head to consider her next question. "You're obviously here to take something or else you wouldn't have been so pleased about the door or so guarded about my brother and I idly sitting about chatting. Now, I wonder just what you're looking for from the multitude of interesting items that Master Dorjan has around the house... " It was more of a wondering thought said aloud than anything else because she didn't really care what Jerome was looking for, but her cat's curiosity had gotten the better of her. Or perhaps she was protecting her Master's possessions? Who knew with the varying moods of the jaguar shifter.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Literally or Figuratively?

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Date Posted: 14:15:52 08/13/07 Mon

((Meh, sorry about the delay, school started last monday so i've been a bit bogged down. hopefully i'll be able to reply sooner in the future))
Jerome blinked a bit startled before letting out a small laugh. It seemed that this particular encounter was destined to keep him unbalanced with the various mood swings. "There are other reasons why I could be happy that the door opened, also I think anyone would be a bit surprised to see two jaguars lounging about as though they were house cats. That does not mean I am here to steal anything from your master, just that I was not prepared as I should have been," his reply was smooth and well thought out, although both Kuro and himself knew what he was here for he was enjoying the verbal sparring a bit too much. Well he'd always preferred using words to violence anyway, but he'd have to get past the cat eventually...he was just putting it off until absolutely necessary.

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