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Subject: *Uninvited Travelers*

Rage, Stryf, and Chaos
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Date Posted: 00:42:39 09/30/07 Sun

A slight disturbance in the aura of the hall, and the air itself seems to ripple in a rainbow of color before a bright red light depositits three odd looking males onto the floor in a tangled pile.

The one who lands on top of the odd pile is very young looking with fiery red curls that tumble to his shoulders, hazle eyes, two neat fangs...and oh! one musn't forget the orange tabby colored kitty ears and tail. It was also impossible to miss the medium sized mahogany and gray striped wings that jutted out between his shoulder blades. He jumps off the other males at once before sitting down and staring in awe at his surroundings. "Ya know? I think I might've landed us in deep shit this time guys," he informs the other two aloud with the distracted air of a kitten chasing something shiny...just what manner of creature he was could not be put into words.

A blonde male who appears to be in his very early twenty also gets up and leans against the wall, a pair of silver piercings in his lip glint in the dim light and odd blue-gray eyes with just the hint of silver in them flash at the other in irritation. He also has cat ears and a tail although his are white and his wings, slightly larger than his companion's, are a sliver gray color with odd black patterns. "Really? What in all of Hells makes you think that, Chaos?" he hisses and shows his own fangs...so alike his companion but much colder and more collected than the youngster. Also his hair is much shorter and only reaches the tip of his chin.

The third male finally rises from the floor, looking around twenty-six years old, both hands buried in blue-black waves that fell to his waist and were dipped in blood at the very end, not really it just looked like it. "Shut up the both of you!" he growls the order, the command making the others fall silent in an instant. He sighes and rubs his temples in small cirles as he tries to ward off a migraine before he opens eyes that might as well have been puddles of blood that was just starting to dry. He had ears and a tail like the others, though his were the same color of his hair, and large midnight wings stretch out behind him.<

"Rage! Stryf is being mean to me again!" the red-head (Chaos) glomps onto the eldest male, who sighs and rubs a soothing hand down his back as Chaos buries his face into his leather jacket and points an accusing finger at the blonde, who simply rolls his eyes in response.

Rage sighs again and shoots a glare at Stryf. "Stop bullying him," he orders mentally, and snarls to display the most impressive fangs of the trio when a snort is his only answer. Really what were their guardians thinking when they sent them to gods knew where.

"I think this place is inhabiteded, kinda feels like a master vampire...we should probably try to find one so we can leave," Stryf relents with a sigh and is rewarded with an approving nod and the trio move further down the hall, keeping their keen eyes open for any potential danger or opportunities...

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