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Date Posted: 07:52:40 08/22/04 Sun
Author: National Director
Subject: Sunshine’s National Supreme Package for Only $125!

Deadline is September 10th

Everyone Wants to Be Sunshine Royalty!

Girls 0-16 Years and Boys 0-6 Years!
Over $10,000 in CASH AND PRIZES!!!! NO PRO-RATING!!!!!

The Best In Natural Pageants!!

TO QUALIFY FOR $125 SUPREME PACKAGE EMAIL TODAY!!!! Sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com

Just a reminder that the Deadline for The Miss & Master Sunshine America Beauty and Talent National Finals is September 10th! All entry forms and ad pages must be received by this deadline.

Miss & Master Sunshine America Beauty and Talent Nationals
September 25th & 26th
Holiday Inn - Elm Hill Pike
Nashville, TN


This is going to be one of the most fun and exciting pageants around. There will be two special guests at the Contestants Banquet. Plus, lots of other surprises! I will be awarding more crowns and titles than are on the paperwork with no extra charge!! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS PAGEANT!

As of today, we are low on the following age groups:
0-23 month girls
0-2 year boys
3-6 year boys
13-16 year girls

These are great age groups to tell your friends about. If you refer 3 contestants that enter the Supreme Package you get to enter the Supreme Package FREE!

Also, if you are planning on staying at the hotel, please make your reservations as the room block has already filled up once. I have added more rooms to the block, but they are filling up fast also!

Just Call 1-800-633-4427. Make sure you tell them that you are with the Sunshine room block to get the $69 special rate. Remember that you DO NOT have to stay at the hotel to be in the pageant.

For your convenience, I will not be taking any door entries and you must have your entry form completely filled out (both sides) and all fees and ad pages in by September 10th. Taking door entries slows down the registration and makes the pageant run late. I will not be accepting any checks after September 10th. Don't forget to send in the roster photo and photos for the front cover and the back cover entries.The only things that can be entered at the door are the door overalls. There are 6 of these and they are $10 each. The overall winners will win a beautiful jeweled round crown, large trophy and monogrammed National Sash!

I need a count for the banquet by September 10th, so please let me know how many will be in your party. If you have already sent in your entry form, please call or email with the number in your party. Remember the Contestant is FREE!

If you need an entry form, please feel free to contact me either by phone at (615) 591-2386 or by email at sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com

Visit Sunshine's website at www.sunshineproductionsevents.com. Also for your convenience, the judges instructions have been posted on the website.

I am always available to answer your questions, so bring them on!
Good Luck to All the Contestants and SEE YOU THERE!

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