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Date Posted: 16:37:05 08/29/04 Sun
Author: National Director
Subject: Miss & Master Sunshine America National Finals!


Click banner to visit our website!!!

Enter The National Supreme Package for Only $125! The Entry Forms are Available on the Website! www.sunshineproductionsevents.com

I HAVE ADDED $2,000 OF MORE AWARDS! NOW Over $10,000 in Cash, Monogrammed Sashes, Huge Trophies, Huge Crowns, Monogrammed Tote Bags, Monogrammed Garment Bags, Color Televisions and more!

Every child will receive a Beautiful National Trophy, Contestant's Banquet and Monogrammed Tote Bag!

Age Groups:
Girls: 0-23 mos; 2 yrs; 3-4 yrs; 5-7 yrs; 8-12 yrs; 13-16 yrs;
Boys: 0-2 yrs; 3-6 yrs.
Talent: (you don't have to enter beauty to enter talent)
6 yrs and under; 7-11 yrs; 12-16 yrs.

This is the first year for the Teen Division. What an honor it would be if you where the FIRST National Teen Queen!

LOW NUMBERS in the following age groups: 0-23 mo girls, 13-16 yr girls, 0-2 yr boys, 3-6 yr boys.

You can qualify for $100 off Supreme. Only one discount per contestant. I have several $100 discounts available, SO EMAIL TODAY TO CLAIM THE DISCOUNT! THIS MAKES YOUR SUPREME PACKAGE FOR $125!!!!! First Come First Serve!

Sell 5 Ad Pages and Enter the Entire Pageant FREE (registration fee is not included), PLUS Win a 13" Color Television! Start Selling Your Ad Pages NOW!

Sibling Discount: 1st child at full price and second child at half price (Registration Fee not included in half price).

Referral Discount: Refer three contestants that enter the supreme package and your child receives the Supreme Package FREE!

Also, if you are planning on staying at the hotel, please make your reservations as the room block has already filled up once. I have added more rooms to the block, but they are filling up fast also! Just Call 1-800-633-4427. Make sure you tell them that you are with the Sunshine room block to get the $69 special rate. Remember that you DO NOT have to stay at the hotel to be in the pageant.

Get your paperwork at www.sunshineproductionsevents.com
or to have one mailed to you call (615) 591-2386 or email us at sunshineproductions1@yahoo.com

For Entry Form: www.sunshineproductionsevents.com or call (615) 591-2386

Email Today for $125 Supreme Package!

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