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Date Posted: 06:41:46 11/10/02 Sun
Author: Sun's Fury
Subject: Daugher of the Sun

Beware the Sun's Fury...

She thundered into this new land, eyes hard and filled with fury. Mane and tail the color of her namesake streamed behind her, muscles bunching powerfully under her coat o' chestnut hue as she galloped. She halted suddenly, a cloud of dust rising as she did so. Black orbs, flecked with flame, scanned the landscape with suspicion, distrust, and the familiar anger. She was as big as, or bigger than any stallion, with the power and ferocity to match her size. She was a true warrior, born and bred, with obsidian hooves as sharp as daggers and a horn that could, and did, kill any unlucky creature that dared stand in her way. She snorted in disgust as she viewed the lush landscape before her. Those who dwelt here certainly lived easy. She was born in the desert, raised unde the scorching sun and in the brutal conditions there. She was not afraid of a hard life, nor of anything else. She showed submission only to Aman-Rah, the sun god, and it was this dominance and defiance that shaped her personality, that filled her with pure rage for all of creation. But, no, she would not have it any other way. The mare thrived on the blood singing through her veins, the wrath coursing through her day afte rday. She had payed the price, though, in her lack of a mate. It seemed that stallions preferred meek, submissive mates, mares without fire. Secretly, she longed for a stallion who would not try to break her (for she would never be broken) but a mate who would share her spirit and love for battle. But, she was always shunned for her appearance and fiery demeanor. Although she possessed a kind of exotic beauty, her height and powerful build set her apart. These thoughts sent the ever-present fury rising to the surface. She reared, front hooves dashing the air. As they struck the turf, a whinny escaped her, almost a scream, a bloodcurdling sound that sent her into a terrifyingly fast gallop once again. The golden spiral that topped her regal head glinted in the sunlight, giving her contempt-filled eyes an eerie look. As she continued on her way, she wondered...what awaited her in this new realm?

Name: Sun's Fury
Gender: Mare
Species: Unicorn
Appearance: Coat o' chestnut hue, mane and tail o' spun gold, black eyes with flecks of red, golden horn studded with obsidian, hooves also of obsidian. Exotically beautiful.
Personality: Has a quick temper that you do NOT want to arouse. She is warlike and fierce, very proud.
Height: 17 hands (with the power to match her size)
Mate: None (single but searching)
Desired Position: Warrior

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