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Subject: Re: Shell Tools Suggestion

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Date Posted: 15:30:26 03/26/06 Sun
In reply to: RTT 's message, "Re: Shell Tools Suggestion" on 06:33:47 03/26/06 Sun

Funny you should say you were tired, because I was operating on very little sleep when I found that issue. So after reading your message this morning, and testing some PDFs, I figured that I had just imagined it. I tried a bunch of different scenarios and they all worked as your described below.

So here is what I have found. When accessing PDFs on my local machine, it works fine. However, the PDFs that had the problem were on a remote machine that I VPN'd into. So maybe the delay caused by VPN is causing the issue, but I can replicate the problem 100% of the time.

I'll try to explain the problem further:

-Right click on one PDF File (through VPN)
-Select Properties
-PDF tab shows actual title
-InfoEdit tab shows another title from the dropdown (note: the actual title is not in the dropdown)

I can email you screen shots if that would be helpful.

Sorry I wasn't able to describe it in better detail last night, I didn't realize VPN was the issue.

>I really don't get. Or I'm very tired, your copy is
>not working as it should or there is some confusion.
>When you fire the InfoEdit tool, single file mode, the
>current Title of that document is affixed in the Title
>field. If the document does not have anything in that
>field you get it empty. The DropdownBox is used to
>rapidly enter some previous information you have
>entered before, but off course that information is
>global to all the edits you have made, not only for
>that document. For the Title field its use is not so
>obvious but the edition of the Author, Keywords and
>some others can get much easier using the previous
>entered information.
>Now that you know what I get in my mind when I read
>your message please try to explain your suggestion
>>First off... the tool is absolutely fabulous and will
>>allow me to accomplish some things in a much quicker
>>fashion than before.
>>I have a suggestion. When accessing the info of a
>>single file, the "Title" selected in the dropdown is
>>not the title of the document, but rather just one of
>>the previous Titles I have entered. I love the idea
>>of the dropdowns, but I think the defaults should be
>>current Title of the document.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Shell Tools SuggestionJM11:44:02 03/27/06 Mon

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