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Subject: Re: Terminal Servers

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Date Posted: 07:46:56 05/29/06 Mon
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "Re: Terminal Servers" on 06:56:24 05/29/06 Mon

Of course you can use it from the Shell context menu but first we need to discover the problem.
I made some tests and I think I have the answer to the problem and your command line test running successfully almost confirm my suspects. This is only true if with the shell context menu interface you see the GUI of the tool and you have not answered to this question :(
So, depending on that, take the next paragraph into account, or not.
PDF-ShellTools, beta versions, only work for 30 days, release date relate, and that period is now in the end. These versions also refuse to work with files with creation date newer than some hardcoded date. Try the context menu interface but now with old pdf documents. You can also verify if the documents are accepted by PDF-ShellTools with the Merge/Rearrange tool. If in the merge list you get an empty list is because the tool refused the files so you are going to get an error in the split tool because no files to split and, of course, because of a non existent verification of that situation in the current implementation.
Let me know what happen in this situation of old creation date files.

>It runs fine if I initiate it from command line. I
>tested with the even;odd split and I received 2 files
>perfectly. I tested a second time and when I was
>prompted with the split-extract gui I changed from
>odd;even to page 2 which also ran correctly.
>Will we not be able to use the menu options for this?
>>I was think in PDF Explorer but now I see the problem
>>is in PDF-ShellTools :)
>>But you can see the tool interface or you get the
>>error immediately after clicking the, tool related,
>>menu item in the shell context menu?
>>And the error fire in the server and\or in clients?
>>Try to run the tool using command line interface, see
>>readme.txt for details, to see if the error also
>>This error is related to a Progress Bar!!!, very
>>strange if you can not see the tools interface.
>>>I get an error titled Explorer that contains the text
>>>"TDTXCTHYYRST property out of range" with an OK
>>>button. After I click ok I must force the
>>>to end. Regardless of which function of
>>>PDF-ShellTools I choose this is the result.
>>>>But what happen. The files are indexed but you can
>>>>view them in Reader?
>>>>Because I do not have that system to test I need
>>>>you explain to me the situation.
>>>>>I'm wondering if this works using Citrix on
>>>>>Servers. I did some testing and it's everything we
>>>>>need, only it won't run correctly in an ICA

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Subject Author Date
Re: Terminal ServersMichelle06:23:22 05/30/06 Tue

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