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Subject: The Story of Che Kaleh Gohek Teksi

Mohd Som
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Date Posted: 08:20:40 11/09/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: jrc-cache5.jaring.my/

The Story of Che Kaleh Gohek Teksi

This is an interesing story of this wonderful person whose name must be Salleh because people called him Che Kaleh or Che Kaleh Keto'. I am not sure whether he is still around. Keto' I think is because some of his fingers were deformed. He was very friendly as I remember him being very generous with his smiles.

Che Kaleh worked as a rickshaw puller or as people in my area of Kuala Terengganu (Tanjong Kapor, Tanjong Jambang Ija or Tanjong Che Mat Toke) called him Che Kaleh Gohek Teksi. Mind you teksi is not teksi the car but tricycle using human power.

Che Kaleh's fame was very much due to his keen liking or obsession in BERJOGET. Those days in Kuala Terengganu at least, special events or special days (like Sultan's Birthday Celebration) were celebrated by having WAYANG KULIT, RODAT, MOK YONG, DIKIR KARUT OR DIKIR BARAT and JOGET (our version of taxi dancing). These activities were presented to the public usually at PADANG MALAYA or PADANG ISTANA MAZIAH for a few nights or even a week as I remember. And the JOGET those days were accompanied by live music with singers. And names like Pok Teh Slemang and Adek Aziz are very much associated with the JOGET and of course the then primadona of JOGET Ku Anjang a very pretty lady.

So on occasions like these Che Kaleh would never fail to turn up at the JOGET stage. As was the system then, Che Kaleh would purchase the tickets and he would BERJOGET with the ORANG PUANG JOGET usually with applause from the crowd especially from among the boys like me (I lived not very far away from Padang Malaya). And as I remember he would go up stage with every piece of music or song until I assume his pocket became empty so to speak. It must be that all his takings during the day would be spent on the JOGET. Fortunately he lived alone. He must have a lot of energy, GOHEK TEKSI during the day and JOGET during the night.

There goes the story of Che Kaleh gohek teksi. I wonder if classmates like Wan Adnan, Mohktar Sulong, Abib Mat, Ku Ali, Wan Zamer, Fatah, Alias Mohd and Suffian still remember those characters I mentioned above. Perhaps Abib Mat would remember Mah Babu more than Ku Anjang just like Fatah or is it. I do not know if Wan Ghaffar, Shamsuddin Zaid staying in the school hostel and Rehan Ahad from Balik Bukit ever witnessed those events then - I wonder.

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