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Subject: Terengganu Word

Mohd Som
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Date Posted: 08:22:32 11/09/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: jrc-cache5.jaring.my/

My contribution is REBIH meaning landslide.

The application of REBIH is usually when riverbanks give way or when you dig a hole and the walls of the hole collapse. Then you say TEBING SUNGA REBIH or LUBANG REBIH.

This reminds me of a story when a place called LUBUK MANDI in Marang shot to fame because of its gold find. People around the area would converge in droves to try their hands in looking for a small fortune. They would dig holes indiscriminately and the holes were deep. So there was this time when the walls of the holes just gave way burying some of the gold diggers alive because LUBANG REBIH.

So for classmates who have kebuns or living in the country side (DUDOK DDARAT) and wanting to find an alternative source of water like Daud Mohd, Wan Ghaffar or Latiff Mohd be careful when you GALI TELAGA - JANGANG BERI REBIH.

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