Sonya Avant Tankersley
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Date Posted: 10:06:18 10/29/07 Mon
In reply to:
Sonya Avant Tankersley
's message, "Nominations for IEB Offices" on 09:53:39 10/29/07 Mon
(As noted in Article IV, Sections 1-4)
The International Executive Board (IEB) Officers to the Organization are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Interchapter Relations, Alumnae Relations, Director of Expansion, and Director of Publications.
To be a candidate for an office of the IEB, the member must be an Alumnae member who has served at least one year on an International Committee, as an International Committee Chairperson or as a Chapter Alumnae Advisor or, be in good standing with the sorority and have nomination approval by the IEB. In addition, a candidate for President must have served at least one year as an International Executive Board Officer.
The term of each IEB office is two fiscal years with a maximum of three terms.
The duties of the IEB are as follows:
a. Make laws for governing the Organization and guiding its members in the attainment of the ideals and objectives of the Organization.
b. Conduct all business by majority vote.
c. Perpetuate the Organization and plan for its expansion.
d. Fix and assess initiation fees for each member being initiated into the Organization, a charter fee for each new active chapter, and yearly active member fees.
(As noted in Article IV, Section 4)
a. The President must know and uphold the International Constitution.
b. She presides at the Organization conventions and at meetings of the IEB and she must notify the Vice-President in advance if she cannot attend.
c. She is the meeting mediator and remains impartial during all meeting discussions.
d. She presides over all International Ceremonies.
e. She is responsible for maintaining all short and long-term goals of the Organization.
f. She signs charter and membership certificates.
g. She provides general supervision over the activities of the IEB officers.
h. She cares for matters of discipline and extremes.
i. She votes on all chapter and IEB legislation, but her vote is counted only in the event of a tie.
j. She oversees the Elections, Publications, and Website Committees.
k. She maintains and submits necessary forms to maintain the legal status of the IEB, such as Incorporation and Tax Exemption.
a. The Vice President presides over the meetings after being notified by the President that she cannot attend.
b. She votes on all Chapter and IEB legislation.
c. She knows and upholds Robert Rules of Order.
d. She shadows the President and is aware of Presidential responsibilities in case of office vacancy.
e. She forges and fosters relationships with other engineering and Greek organizations.
f. She oversees the Judiciary and Degree Recognition Committees.
a. The Secretary votes on all chapter and IEB legislation.
b. She signs charter certificates.
c. She acts as the IEB contact and member of the Alumni Relations, Newsletter, and AWE History Committee.
d. She defines and oversees all administrative procedures.
e. She defines and oversees all Risk Management responsibilities at the International level.
a. The Treasurer votes on all chapter and IEB legislation.
b. She acts as the IEB contact and member of the Financial Activities committee.
c. She performs all financial transactions for the IEB, including receiving all income and payment of all debts.
d. She is responsible for maintaining the International Budget.
e. She is responsible for the approval of any reimbursement for an IEB expense over a predetermined amount set in the International Bylaws.
f. She records and accounts for all income and debt for legal and tax purposes.
Interchapter Relations
a. The Interchapter Relations votes on all chapter and IEB legislation.
b. She assigns alumnae advisors to each chapter. She helps chapters maintain standard procedures.
c. She collects and maintains data on each chapter. She acts as a link between the active chapters and the IEB.
d. She keeps in direct contact with all regional alumnae advisors.
e. She assists the Member Relations Committee in maintaining the membership database.
f. She supervises the activities of the Active Chapters and activities of the Chapter Alumnae Advisors.
g. She oversees the selection of Regional Alumnae Advisors.
Alumnae Relations
a. The Alumnae Relations Officer votes on all chapter and IEB legislation.
b. She encourages and supports the formation of alumnae organizations.
c. She assists the alumnae organizations in the support of Chapters.
d. She assists the Member Relations Committee in maintaining the membership database.
Director of Expansion
a. The Director of Expansion votes on all chapter and IEB legislation.
b. She is responsible for actively pursuing the installation of new Colonies.
c. She oversees the Colonies.
d. She attends Society of Women Engineers conventions and conferences, as funds allow for expansion purposes.
e. She assists the President with all ceremonies, including Chapter and Colony installations.
f. She is responsible for the props and equipment, including candidate and active pins, for all ceremonies.
g. She orders new charters for newly established Chapters.
h. She is responsible for coordinating and directing the Expansion Committee and all Expansion Representatives.
Director of Publications
a. The Director of Publications votes on all chapter and IEB legislation.
b. She oversees the public relations of the sorority, both internal and external.
c. She oversees the Elections, Newsletter, Website, and Documentation Committies.
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