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Sonya Avant Tankersley
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Date Posted: 10:13:52 10/29/07 Mon
In reply to: Sonya Avant Tankersley 's message, "Nominations for IEB Offices" on 09:53:39 10/29/07 Mon

Elections Committee

· Calls for International Executive Board officer nominations for Elections one year prior to the election.
· Accepts and publishes International Executive Board officer nominations, and opens “Requests for Volunteers” for open offices six months prior to elections.
· Closes “Nominations for Elections” six months prior to the Elections, and distributes valid nominations, qualifications, and absentee ballots to all members. In addition, distributes a request for “Nominees for Appointment” to all members.
· Distributes absentee voting ballots.
· Maintains and carries out voting procedures at convention, unless delegated to another representative approved by the International Executive Board.
· Publishes a list of the new officers within on week of initiation into office.


One year prior to the election year, the Elections Committee shall open the “Nominations for Elections” by requesting nominations of at least one qualified alumnae candidate for each International Executive Board office, from the International Executive Board, and by publishing to all members in a “Call for Nominations”.

The Call for Nominations shall include the deadlines for nominations, the information needed for an official nomination, the contact information of where to send the nomination, the Elections Committee contact information, a list of offices on the International Executive Board, the responsibilities of each office.

Nominations close six months prior to the start of the next convention.

The International Executive Board shall present a list of nominees to the Elections Committee six months prior to convention. Included with that list is a one-paragraph explanation why that person is an excellent candidate for the given office she is being nominated for.

Any member may nominate candidates for an office on the International Executive Board by petition, provided that the following requirements have been met:

a. The nominee is an alumna member and is qualified for the position per Article IV, Section 2.
b. The nominee has given written consent to be placed on the ballot.
c. A written petition for the nominee and the nominee’s consent shall be submitted to the Election Committee six months prior to convention. Included with the petition is a one-paragraph explanation why the nominee is an excellent candidate for the given office.

No member may be nominated for more than one position.

Should an office or multiple offices have no nominees, the Elections Committee shall publish a list of any current nominees, and a “Request for Volunteers” that, pending verification of qualifications, may become “Candidates for Appointment” for the offices on the International Executive Board. Eligibility qualifications shall also be included.

The International Executive Board shall continue to research nominees.

When the nominees are found, the Elections Committee shall immediately publish the revised nominee list.

If no nominees are found within the 3-month period prior to convention the International Executive Board shall continue efforts for replacement of officers.

Any nominees found within the 3-month period prior to Convention shall be “Candidates for Appointment” following Elections, should no member be voted into an office.

Nominations officially close on February 1st, in the year in which Election of IEB Officers takes place.


Six month prior to the opening date of Convention. “Nominations for Elections” are closed and the Elections Committee shall immediately distribute:
a. The nominee list;
b. The nominators written petition;
c. The written explanation of why the candidate is good for the office;
d. The nominees written consent;
e. A voting ballot with due date;
f. A call for “Nominees for Appointment”;
g. A list noting the requirement for nominations; and
h. A list noting the requirements and responsibilities of each office.

The call for “Nominees for Appointment” is the announcement that there is an office(s) that have no nominees. In the event this occurs, nominations will be accepted for persons that qualify to be an officer, but have not been nominated for elections by the due date.

Any alumna member may nominate “Candidates for Appointment” to the International Executive Board by petition, provided that the following requirements have been met:

a. The nominee is an alumna member of AWE and is qualified for the position based on Article IV, Section 2.
b. The nominee has given written consent to be placed on the ballot.
c. A written petition for the nominee and the nominee’s consent shall be submitted to the Elections Committee three weeks prior to Convention. Included with that list is a one-paragraph explanation why that person is an excellent candidate for the given office.

Original election ballots and “Nomination for Appointment” are to be postmarked by July 1st. Original election ballots and “Nomination for Appointment” postmarked after that date will not be accepted.

Each eligible voting member may write on the ballot the name of any qualified alumna whom she chooses, whom is qualified for the position, even though that alumna member was not nominated.

A majority vote elects a candidate into the designated office, provided she meets the qualifications stated in Article IV, Section 2.

The Election results will be published in the next newsletter, the International Executive Board monthly meeting minutes, and on the AWE website.

Installation of Officers

A nominees elected to an office is an “Officer Elect”.

An “Officer Elect” does not take office until she has taken her Oath of Office.

The International Executive Board officers remain in office until that office’s “Officer Elect” has taken her Oath of Office.

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