Subject: 25 donations in! Way to get the party started! |
Mary Anne Moore
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Date Posted: 19:54:02 12/14/08 Sun
In reply to:
Mary Anne Moore
's message, "Keeping our Purpose in Focus: Foundation's 2008 20/20 Campaign" on 09:52:41 12/12/08 Fri
Goal: A $20 donation from 20% of the Foundation's Database
The Foundation has already received 25 donations in response to the recent 20-20 campaign! With these donations, we are 12% towards our goal of 207 participating donors.
Thank you to those who have participated in the 20-20 campaign to date:
Liana Algarin, Rho 2007
Sandra Aprahamran, Epsilon 2001
Wendy Bayer, Delta 1994/2006
Jennifer Bowie, Gamma 2006
Toni Cherney, Delta 2003
Doris Childs, friend of Epsilon
Lisa Clendenin, Beta 2004
Amy Devine, Theta 2000 ^Amy is the current IEB President^
Patty Garness, Beta 1986
Jennifer Goforth, Alpha 1995
Sarah Green, Gamma 1996
Lindsay Hassell, Pi 2005 ^Lindsay is the current IEB Vice President^
Julie Heinrich, Beta 1991 ^Julie is a former Foundation Director and a former IEB/NEB President^
Karen Hubbard, Beta
Rose Ketchum, Iota 2001
Lou Ann Lathrop, Alpha 1984 ^Lou Ann is a A.O.E. Founder and a former IEB Treasurer^
Stacey Lee, Epsilon 2001 ^Stacey is a Foundation Director^
Nicole Linder, Gamma 2004
Regidia Mayrena, Epsilon 2005
Christa Meakins, Epsilon 2001
Sherry Moore, Beta 1989
Louise Schalasky, Mu
Christina Sears, Iota 2006 ^Christina is the current IEB Interchapter Relations Officer^
Deborah Sessoms, Gamma 1997
Nisie Teeter, Epsilon 2001 ^Nisie is a Foundation Director^
So far, we have received donations from Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Theta, Iota, Mu, Pi, and Rho chapters.
Remember to have your donations postmarked or posted online by December 31, 2008 to be eligible for the Alumnae Challenge contest. Encourage other alumnae from your chapter to donate to help your chapter win a Foundation grant.
(This donation update does not include online donations where the funds have yet to be received.)
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