Subject: Re: Almost Famous - With Chad Lindsay and Kim Richards |
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Date Posted: 09:11:38 09/25/05 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Almost Famous - With Chad Lindsay and Kim Richards" on 21:15:04 09/24/05 Sat
Hey guys!
I know ...Chad is so "LA" now. I witnessed the moment when the student surpassed the teacher. We were having lunch with Malibu and Colonel Barker at a Mexican cantina in LA and talking about how we were going to get Seth. I pulled out a length of rope, black cat suit, rag dampened with ether and asked "so who wants to go halvsies on a kidnapping charge today?"
Colonel Barker (alwasys the voice of reason) said, "I've got hi agent and his publicist's numbers. Plus, I have the same name as their executive producer (Mike's true and made for much funny later) so why don't I just call the publicist. So he does and leaves a very *polite* message. TIC TOC...nothing. I'm getting squirmy cuz he's RIGHT DOWN THE STREET and I heard him do an interview that morning about the movie with a vacuous radio chick who didn't even get his name corect. I was LIVID. So Cheeky says "well, fine what's the number I'll call" but before he could dial Mike says "Oh, wait I also have his personal assistant's cell number. Is that of any use?" (BA HA) CHeeky literally JUMPED out of his seat in the middle of the restaurant, yanked the phone out of Colonel B's hands and bellowed " have the assistant's number and you're bothering me with the publicist?! You don't call the publicist!!! EVER!!! THen he made a face that was frighteningly Darian like and marched outside, called Seth's assistant told hm we were stalking him and that he could do this the easy way or the hard way. Twenty minutes later, we had six return calls. He's been a networking machine ever since.
I've created a monster though. Everytime we go somewhere and I disappear to the wench's room to primp, I return to find Chad surrounded by people who up to now have been very kind but at some point, someone's just gonna lay off and smuck him or sue. It is America after all.
Snarf...wasn't that movie AMAZING?! I was quiet for 70 minutes and there wasn't a brazlian busboy or swedish diving team within miles. I finally got to meet Bobby, who is one of my true idols. HE is FANTASTIC!!! We went out to dinner afterwards with him, Ben Fong-Torres (another amazing guy) and Mike McNamara, the writer /director from Toronto who btw made me so proud of my passport.
I came home from watching that and promptly sent out a mass email to just about everyone I know in raio telng them to watch it. The DVD is coming out around X-mas time with extra footage. A DEFINITE MUST for radio geek stockings.
We have lots of news, but none we can share just yet. We are definitely leaning towards one company and city although a surprise horse appeared in the past few days so it's definitely getting interesting. In the meantime, we are enjoying the most beautiful city on Earth (imho) and loving reunited with our friends and family and for me, lost fans in the Bay Area. Warms the cockles of my heart it does. I love it here. I was born in Hali, also a beautiful place, but SF is definitely home for me. Always will be.
OK...back to the beach I go. Have fun. We love and miss you TONS!!!!
D-monster and C-monster ("it's's aliiiiiiiive!")
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