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Subject: Cats

Con Dingo
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Date Posted: 03:05:05 10/07/05 Fri

I was looking for naked pictures of Darian so I decided to search for "Darian O'Toole" on Yahoo. I found the following article.

The Robey\Darian Connection


Well folks, I hate to disappoint you, but no, Robey is not working as a radio DJ in San Francisco.

For those of you who have not heard the story, a brief rundown is as follows: Apparently, Darian O'Toole, a redheaded Canadian DJ working in San Fransisco, CA. has laid claim to working on "Friday the 13th: The Series." Whether she ever came out and said so or not, many people have come to me with the idea that Darian O'Toole is indeed Robey.

The proof, or lack thereof? Check this out:

Robey was born in Montreal, Canada. O'Toole was born in Nova Scotia.

Robey's father was an Air Force major; her mother a London stage actress. O'Toole is the daughter of an electrical engineer\country music singer.

O'Toole had a role in "The Bad Boy" with Kiefer Sutherland. Robey was never in a film of that title, and hasn't worked with Kiefer Sutherland.

O'Toole began acting when she was 8. Robey wasn't discovered until she was 17, and even then she started as a model.

This year will mark O'Toole's 9th year in radio. 9 years ago, Robey was in her second season of "Friday the 13th" and then went on to make the film "Play Nice" in 1992.

O'Toole is currently single. Robey is married, with a young son.

Aside from all of the above, Robey has lived and been schooled in some of the most prestigious European cities and schools, speaks fluent French, German, and Spanish, and has had numerous modeling and record contracts. I found no mention of this in any material I had on O'Toole.

Hopefully, we can put this matter to rest.


"Friday the 13th: The Series" Press Kit, season 3

Article in the San Francisco Chronicle -- Wed. June 19, 1997

Ukiahilite -- Sept. 19, 1996

Thanks Tammee, for the great research!!!
First, speaking of rest, I've cured my insomnia. Thanks Tammee!!!

Second, it's San "Francisco."

Third, the over/under on number of cats in Tammee's house is 13.5. I'm taking the over.

Finally, the over/under on number of boyfriends in Tammee's life is 1. I'm taking the under.

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