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Subject: Almost Famous - With Chad Lindsay and Kim Richards

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Date Posted: 00:02:41 09/24/05 Sat

OK, I have't been on this board very much as I am busting my ass from sun to sun, but here is a breakdown of what I have done in my first three weeks in radio.

Enjoyed front row seats at Chicago/Earth Wind and Fire concert and backstage at the afterparty where I met Bill Champlin and insulted Bobby Kimball, the lead singer of Toto. Jesus I swear he was Burton Cummings.

Went on the air for the first time on 97.1 the hottest FM talk station in LA.

Met Jack Silver - the Mac Daddy of Talk radio.

Played TV trivia with the most powerful guy in Infinity, Chris O.

I called Ed McMahon at his home and tried to convince him to give on air sex advice.

Hung out with Linda Blair, got a t-shirt, a book and a kiss on the cheek from her.

Went to Jerry's Deli in LA with Tom Saviano - the Forrest Gump of music. He's played with everyone under the sun, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind nad Fire, Was david Letterman's band leader for his pilot show before Late Night.

Watched Monkey Boy drink all the booze in the Green Room that we bought for the guests and pass out.

I have a 7 foot lawyer planning to cut my head off and feed it to his young.

Dougie D wrote a song about me.

I had drinks with Ben Fong-Torres, one of the first writters for Rolling Stone and the main charactor in the movie "Almost Famous"

Stalked and harrassed Seth McFarlane's publicist and had to convince them that I was a true fan by dealing out insanely obscure trivia to them, passed with flying colors.

Had dinner with the writter/director, the producer and the editor of the film "The Rise and Fall of the Big 8"

Partied with the band Hazer Fan down at the Lucky 13 bar.

Made great freind's with Malibu Dan.

Drove from LA to San Fran in a Lexus.

Watched Billie make change with a homeless person.

Cheesecake at the Cheesecake factory on the outdoor patio at the top of Macy's.

Danced on the rooftop of Harry denton's Starlight Room.

Removed and replaced an entire kitchen.

Became best buddies with Colonal Mike Barker and bought tools at Lowes.

Had a FANTASTIC conversation and a few drinks with radio god Bobby Ocean.

OK well there was a fair bit more but I don't have time to out it all down here. But hey - its my first two weeks.

C Diddy

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Re: Almost Famous - With Chad Lindsay and Kim RichardsDaffodil20:41:25 09/24/05 Sat

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