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§ Celtic Panther § -- Renegade, 20:12:41 08/20/03 Wed [1]
(Grazi! Oh shoot! That's itallion not celtic! *cringe* nothing like mixing the languages of two races that absoulutely hate each If you wanna email me what we wanna do with the wording and junk it's I know two neat sites if we wanna change the background to a "watery/blue dragon whatever". So if you wanna pick a new skin or something you can check it out. 'Cause we'd want to blend the qualities of both our little girls so it didn't flop on one side. What do you think?
see other sites:
Those are the only ones I know off hand. Well onto BIC post. *does a little dance* Oh it's going to be dramaticly longer prepare yourself)
A slight dip of the crania is given as the smile yeilds to a look of concern. She had no clue why but there were far less dragons in the kingdom than when she'd last been here. Of course, she hadn't really traveled through all of the light lands yet and had a mind to skip the frigid south. How horrifying a thought however, how long had Spirit remained soul inhabitant. Okay, maybe that was streaching it. On a bit of an impulse, the panther 'ness gives Spirit a companionable slap on the shoulder, deciding the dove needed a bit of cheering up...whether or not from her, she was going to be cheered up.
Well, it has very nice rocks and very nice basking spots and very nice clean air and it's a perfect vacationing spot for those who wish to get away from it all. She chuckles and backs up to where she'd been before. But I'm quite sure you weren't refering to the lovely solitude being a good thing. No queen should like comanding an army of invisable dragons should war occer, and no sane dragon likes eternal solitude. I'm sure things will liven up though, I saw a few young lights fly in the other day, more lights than darks lately. They might be touring before they settle in. Or better yet they might be settling in the royal TT or one of the others. So chin up lassie.