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Subject: .-Unleash|.|The|.|Power|.|of|.|the|.|Sun|.| -happy whelp-

Solar Storm, the other nine planets, and Joker
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Date Posted: 17:17:25 01/18/03 Sat
In reply to: .panther. 's message, "-soft to cold- ~Euhporius to acrtic~" on 16:18:17 01/18/03 Sat

the sun in her oculli warms and brightens. she happily gazed at panther. pistons carry her closer to him. a whimper escapes deep from labriniths, and thorns are laid back, and plume, once so delecatly flying in the wind, is now being the barrier between her hind pistons. her dial lowers to the terra firma, and the zephyr tickles her fur playfully. she was so close to accepting.... but great forces that shant be explained rang in her head. she hook her self, ruffling her pelt and looking a little larger, but not as a sign of dominence. she decided to look round more. her nine pups looked at her softly. she knew that earth had taken to panther already. with sad orbs she watched her every move. she knew earth wanted to go with panther.
. lass looks at the one with the alias of panther with her mother. she had taken to him. she didnt know why. it was just him. she was almost a year old, to young to leave her mother, but she soon would be..... she watched her mother decide no. She watched her with sad, dark, horrified pools as she walked away. the other eight following. Earth yelped and cried like a puppy. her anger made a hurrican brew up. the howling winds ripped at trees. she continued to cry. her mother scolded her with one of her daggers, the blow hurting. Earth knew she must change the westher. sullenly, the hurricane died and the late-day sun came out once more.

ooc- i really want to join, but i already play wolves in your pack. how 'bout i switch. emerald(pearl) and the others will leve, and we will stay. i dunno, i just like these chars more....

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