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Subject: -soft to cold- ~Euhporius to acrtic~

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Date Posted: 16:18:17 01/18/03 Sat
In reply to: Solar Storm, the other nine planets, and Joker 's message, ".-Unleash|.|The|.|Power|.|of|.|the|.|Sun|.| -growl back-" on 08:01:54 01/18/03 Sat

.Actic perished declining a flake as whelp strokes maw. Satiny glossa stroked the whelp back. Lithe bodice flumps pon the lithosphere. Plume carding euphorantly. Maw opened, extendable gape erructed in ennui. Hind pistons residue to the braodside. Euphorius occuli regard at the femmora and her whelps. Pressured euphony errupts from pertains. They could possibly join his pack, if they promised not to decease anyone. Elfein grin is sung decussate maw at his caper. Twin zeniths attentive for an automatism and the euphony of the peeress's endearing euphony swans amongst the noxunchaste zephyrs.

ooc-sorry if the words are confusing but it's my vocab... Look the words up in a thesaurus and you'll get 'em.

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Subject Author Date
.-Unleash|.|The|.|Power|.|of|.|the|.|Sun|.| -happy whelp-Solar Storm, the other nine planets, and Joker17:17:25 01/18/03 Sat

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