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Subject: |.| rated NC-17 for sexual content and exesive cursing|.*|*gasp* you said the f-word.....Profanity!|*your no match for 10 wolves*

Aliens exist, XXX, profanity, and the rest
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Date Posted: 17:07:50 01/19/03 Sun
In reply to: Celtic Rose, Irish Thorn, and pack 's message, "~*~Roses are pretty, but Thorns are Sharp~*~" on 06:46:37 01/19/03 Sun

he howls into the sky, summoning his relatives who were new here. XXX comes and takes one look at the leader and snarls. Profanity dips from the shadows. the others show their gleaming white fangs. They surround they leader, then rush in, sinking their fangs in his maw, shoulder and throat.soon bruises were all over him. even a accidental tear as in his pelt. wolves did not rip eachother in such squables.the leader whimpered, showing he submit. The 10 shadows slashed and bruised up the others. before they knew it, all were torn and bruised. They were no match for them. And they could call on even more wolves at any second........ they were expert fighters. Their blood was filled with the will to live, with the will to be supreme, and dominent. They watched them all, torn and bleeding. They sat on their haunches and smiled, ready for the next pathetic attack. Aliens exist noticed a new slash mark. the leader had given it to him. From the prtectiong of them all, he cleaning his wounds. The little one season one was the only without hurting wounds. he had a few cuts, though. A.E hoped that they learned their lesson. They all sprinted, far off into the shadows, through the trees, to a large rock. they sat there, howling their notes.
.The notes turn deep.
.No time to sleep.
.you must leave.
.or dearly grieve.
.a loss of one.
.from your pack.
.be it leader or omega.
.we dont care.
.aaaawww, dont cry in despair.
.dont even harm our hair.
.because we will simply....
.call a army.
. a army of friends.
.to protect us.
.and i wouldnt go there.
.because we dont want to kill.
(crappy poem copyrighted [2002-2005] to Aliens exist)

ooc- sorry i had to do that, but you were asking for it....

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i guess that was affection then :)A.E17:10:52 01/19/03 Sun
~*~Hello, they are gone...CR, IT...17:32:34 01/19/03 Sun

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