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Subject: ~*~Roses are pretty, but Thorns are Sharp~*~

Celtic Rose, Irish Thorn, and pack
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Date Posted: 06:46:37 01/19/03 Sun

Dove wanders forth. They have seen Coldest snows, and hottest heatwaves in getting here. Though they came through. It was hard on them, but one adult and 2 pups died. But those with the right spirit endured. Each entering with Fangs bared, they get closer. If the wrong alphine approached, or did something stupid, they would rip him to shreds.

Name:Irish Thorn
age:20 seasons (5 years)
color:Black, all black
markings/flaws: tallons so sharp and tough he can cut through rocks. has a green sheen to his coat.
*eye color:Dark forest green
*personality:Very protective of his pack, for most are his family, or someone he has known since birth.

Name:Celtic Rose
age:17 seasons
markings/flaws: Jaws so strong they break bone in one bite. Has a red sheen to her coat
*eye color: amber, but very heavy to the purple side
*personality:also protective, but more of her children than the pack, but that is to be suspected, will fight by her mate until death.

+.Unto each of the kit 2 traits did happen, from their father Irish Thorn, some form of green eyes, from their mother a reddish sheen.+
*And the name that that belongs to the fae realates to the mother, the ROSE, in some form or some way.*
~passed from the father then to the son, a name meaning THORN, that is how it was done~

age:4 seasons
color:white, she got the skrewed up end of the gene pool.
markings/flaws:Red sheen to her coat
*eye color:frost green, yet she sees.
*personality:enduring... the rest to be found out...

Name: Shimri
age:4 seasons
color:purest jut black, blacker than night...
markings/flaws:red sheen
*eye color: emerald green
*personality:enduring... the rest to be found out...


~*~These three are the furies from ancient greek times. Wanting to fight and to maul. THe three evil wolves of this pack. Brother and sister, who all love to fight, but submit to Thorn they all will.~*~
age:12 seasons
color:Cinnimon fur
markings/flaws:black tail tip
*eye color:amber but really red tinted
*breed:red wolf
*personality:furies, fight, enduring, are they three words to sum him up

age:12 seasons
color:White pure as light white
markings/flaws:black tail tip
*eye color:amber but with alot of red tint
*personality:when she takes a liking she really takes a liking, but she doesnt have trust gained easily.
*history: classified

age:12 seasons
color:dark dark grey, almost black but not quite
markings/flaws:black tail tip
*eye color:red tinted amber
*personality:enduring, spite, fight, fury, hate, bitterness, like a biting winter wind.
*history: classified


Name:Distant Storm
age:10 seasons
color:dark storm gray
markings/flaws:white speckles like rain
*eye color:cloudy blue
*breed:arctic wolf
*personality:doesnt want to fight her own group, but will fight outsiders, being an outcast for so long h as made her turn her face to the wall kindof, but she knows that they all do care for her.
*history: classified

Name:Jahdo Storm
age:1 season
gender: male
color:dark grey,
markings/flaws:white paws, ear tips, and tail tips
*eye color:cloudy blue
*personality:was born on the journey but endured... that is all for now...

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Subject Author Date
do you believe?aliens exist10:18:27 01/19/03 Sun
|.| rated NC-17 for sexual content and exesive cursing|.*|*gasp* you said the f-word.....Profanity!|*your no match for 10 wolves*Aliens exist, XXX, profanity, and the rest17:07:50 01/19/03 Sun

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