Subject: new femme wolf pads in playfully...... |
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Date Posted: 17:54:48 12/28/02 Sat
breed;timber wolf
eye color;evergreen eyes
age:2 1/2
personality;opionated,spoiled,hard to please,bratty,bull-headed,lovable,extreme playful
history;Her history is very dramatic and well,her father was Taurus(the third) and hr mother was Sagitarius(the second).She had no brothers,no sisters, and no friends.Cause of her being spooiled and hard to please,no one wanted to even come close to her.She was very sad and angry about that.And her father was a outcast as well.But her moher,ooo,everyone loved her mother.Her mother was beautiful,a silvery/redish coat,silky fur.light purple eyes.So,evryone thouht thst Libra got ALL of her self from her father,cause he is white with pine green eyes and since they are both outcasts.Well one night some of Libra's uncles and her father ambused the pack for what they did to him and his daughter.The others fought and since the pups were almost 2 years old,they went to kill Libra cause they thought she was ion this too,but she wasn't.Right when one of the strongest male wolves was about jump and cut her throat,her mother jumped and hit him out of the way"Run,run ar as you can go,NOW!!!!" she said as she fought off the younger wolves away Libra,Libra took her mothers command and started to run,but before she got to Mount Seefall,she looked back and saw her fathe ron the ground blood all around him and her mother trapped in a corner,over her was a small cliff with rocks on the end and the older,stronger wolves pushed to rocks over on her,smashing her to death.Libra scared for her own safety ran, and ran for days till she had to stop,but someone was following her,one of the youngest wolves.She could sense him so she went and hid for a couple of hours.Then he came out and right then she pounced on him and ripped his throat.She saw he was dieing so she ran all the way here.Blood on her mouth.....
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