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Subject: was it realy for her?

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Date Posted: 10:53:54 12/30/02 Mon

She had been dubed destiny, just moments after her birth. her white coat held no scars or markings even at the age of three. bright blue eyes shone with curiosity. she wanted wht no other could give her, a meaning to life. a howl runs through the land, to now be on her own..she sings the song...

history:three years ago a litter of three was born. strangly in the winter, during a famine. the male pup died of hypothermia, the smaller of the two fems died of hunger. because of the famine the mother had only enough milk for the strongest. the father howled the name the white pup would carrie without relizing it. this pup has a destiny! the mother nodded, thats what we shall call her..Destiny she moved the small pup closer to her warm body.

what was her destiny? why was she the pup to survive? that is why she comes to these lands,
to fullfill her destiny...


she lifts her mug to the air, pelt bristeling as she smells the sent of others. she lets her heart guid her limbs, to find a place were she can find what her future had in store for her....

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You do not see him,He see's youShadowfax12:01:49 12/30/02 Mon

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