|. Emerald .| |. Kiche .| |. White Fang .| & |. Saphire .|
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Date Posted: 15:25:22 01/11/03 Sat
.| as the zephyr howls in the trees and rips it's cold fingerz throught the gaps in the trees and whistles throught the grass, the silence makes it's own sound. A she-devel leads a group of a few wolves. four are visible. the rest have never seen the world, but will soon. They trot silently through the green world of spring, thorns pricking at the slightest disturbence, opticz smarting at the bright sunlight. The leader that leads the rest is dubbeth Emerald, and the paint splashed upon her pelt was like a gray wolf, only darker, with faded black legs. Her icey gaze from her emerald green optics was almost unerving. Emerald's sister was Saphire, who was the same color of emerald only she had saphire blue eyes that distinguished her from emerald. They both had witnessed 4 winters, and the two wolves that followed they were of aquaintance with. The eldest of the two was dubbeth Kiche, and she was a true wolven color, but with a reddesh hue that shimmered and flickered as the sun or light reached her beatiful pelt her icey blue oculli usually held warmth, but now grew cold. she was a fae, but with her was a young pup. he answered when his mother called White Fang, and he was the color of his father,one eye (no, not the one eye of which resides here). He was fierce, wild and fought to survive. He was a visous killer, and always won fights. They contnued to trot on. When one of them trotted out of their place, the were met with white gleaming fangs peircing into there flesh. but their stomachs had not seen food for a long while. They were going to hunt, when they settled down. Each of the fatales was carrying a most valuble burden. pups. young, unborn pups. The father of all was half-wolf, half husky X malimute. They enter, Hackles raised. If any un-expierenced one shall come forth, they shall give him a biting he soon wont forget! They had spied, and Panther they seemed to like. Hazard was no hazard to them, they knew it 'twould be most fun if he wondered forth, then they could rip and tear at flesh. Yet the lay down, fully alert, awaiting the right alpha to come.
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