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Subject: Jumping the Gun!!!

Jared #19
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Date Posted: 15:25:20 08/31/02 Sat

No offense...but CHILL OUT!!!! Granted, for those of you that have been attacked...that sucks. However, all this talk about withholding rent, lawsuits, etc. is naive and ridiculous. I am the first one that would make a scene if I felt I was being jacked in anyway. But, I don't. George has been very upfront with me, WHEN I HAVE APPROACHED HIM WITH MY CONCERNS. Nothing is going to get done if we sit here and write about it. George has always been very open to my suggestions and even though things are slow to get done, i.e. laundry, these things do take time. Remember the building is only a few months old.

On another note..we all knew what the neighborhood was like when we moved here. One thing I have found has helped me is to make an active effort to meet the locals. I have found that they are friendly and just as concerned about the "problems" as we are. There is crime everywhere, whether we live in the "hood" or on the upper west side. We need to be smart. keep your eyes open and use common sense. If something seems wrong, or you feel uncomfortable walk across the street and make a call to someone in the building or the police.

If anyone needs to go out late or feels the need for an escort...feel free to call me at 917-476-2635. Also, if you hear someone on the roof and would like someone to go check for you...please feel free to call.

Jared Brubaker
Apt. #19

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[> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 16:33:10 08/31/02 Sat

We just had a lengthy disucssion with two police officers that were here to check out the roof (they found a ladder used to get onto the second floor roof deck, a door on the fourth floor roof taht had been pried open with a crowbar and various other safety violations). They do not seem to think we need to "chill out." They said that this is a very dangerous area where cops and civilians have been murdered in the last year or so. It's also a few blocks away from an extremely dangerous block which is notorious for violence. They feel very strongly that we are not safe here the way things are now. They think that way the camera is set up is a joke and that much more needs to be done to ensure our safety. It is very clear that there are people deliberately preying on the tenants of this building. They have been seen walking up and down the block on Broadway and circling the building. They have also been on the roof and in the building uninvited. If this does not concern you than you are crazy. If you have been lucky enough to avoid being a victim, as I have, than good for you, but that does not mean you are safe or any more inteligent that those that have. You are just lucky and have good timing.

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[> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 18:17:54 08/31/02 Sat

Slow is a bit of an understatement. If George doesn't want his tenants to think that he is shirking his responsibilities and blatantly leaving promises unfulfilled, then he should stop using phrases like "in two weeks," "in three weeks," and "next week." After months go by, it is quite understandable to let go of the naive faith some of us placed in his promises.

In addition to wanting to know when the laundry room will be finished, I'd like to know when the grocery store, parking lots, bakery, gym, and art gallery are going to be finished. And yeah, where is he going to put all this shit? Instead of lecturing others on letting go of their naivete, perhaps a similar suggestion should be made to George. If anyone needs a reality check it is George. You don't need to be from New York to recognize that.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 18:22:12 08/31/02 Sat

Anyone that believed that we would actually have a gym or art gallery (in Bushwick for God's sake) is tad bit naive.

And I don't mean to be offensive. I only believed the part about the laundry.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 18:23:57 08/31/02 Sat

No offense to you, but I doubt anyone actually believed him. The point is, he should stop fucking around.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Don't forget...

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Date Posted: 18:29:09 08/31/02 Sat

Let's not forget that George doesn't actually live here so he doesn't give a fuck about "minor" details such as safety.

I can't afford to move so I'm gonna do what I can to fuck with that idiot.

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[> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 10:35:30 09/01/02 Sun

id be willing to bet that youre a big fucking pussy and you feel tough because you arent worried when other people are. i bet its one of the few times in your life that other people are scared but you are not. you arent scared because you havent seen anything. you will, i can almost guarantee it. if i didnt think that the muggers would i would smash your ugly fucking face myself, pussy.

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[> [> Subject: CENSORSHIP

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Date Posted: 10:38:15 09/01/02 Sun

We dont want to be like george but we do have the power to delete post's. Although I completely agree with the post that is full of fantasicly placed swears, I think maybe we can speak a little more civilized. As of yet we havent deleted any.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 10:53:22 09/01/02 Sun

Wow..someone is is a bad mood. I never said I wasn't concerned. I said that I thought that there was an over reaction to the situation. As far as me not being scared. I am a bit nervous, but I am also smart and will use common sense when walking around the neighborhood. As far as me being a pussy, my apt.# is 19, you are always welcome to come by and check. And again, at least I have the cajones to put my name down.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 15:05:30 09/01/02 Sun

I wonder who the fuck are you talking to loser. I can guarantee you that if one person can get out of this one unharmed, it would probably be me. You'd be surprised to know that I am a martial arts instructor loser. I'd go give you an advance payment if you give me your name.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Jumping the Gun!!!

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Date Posted: 15:09:53 09/01/02 Sun

Hey guys can we try to just stay on a decent path of thought and not attack each other? Although it is funny to watch people attack each other online. We need to stay focused and bring up all of our points this week at our meeting. From there we can decide what we need to do. The personal attacks are kinda useless because we all want the same thing..to be safe.

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