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Subject: Respect and responsibility

Frances #9
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Date Posted: 15:36:44 09/01/02 Sun

Guys, just a suggestion--let's try to treat each other with respect. And it's okay to disagree. We all have different ways of dealing with certain situations. I believe that our past experiences shape the way we react to danger/violence. So let's try to be cool.

In Jared's defense, I gathered that remaining calm but being proactive is one way to go. What's wrong with that? Many people tend to recycle information and he wanted facts and action. I totally agree with that. He even said he was willing to go to meetings and walk anyone home. So the threats and the b.s. is totally uncalled for (but of course this person remained anonymous).

For this reason, I commend Brigid for being the first person to include her name in the forum. This is not a chat room--whoever started this forum did so in other to keep each other abreast of the ongoing situation. So it would be nice if we behave like responsible adults and take responsibility for our posts.

And it really doesn't matter where anyone is from. I said earlier that I am a New Yorker but I'll never be ready to accept muggers targeting me and my neighbors. It's uncivilized. No one should have to live like this.

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[> Subject: Re: Respect and responsibility

Billy and Sue Apt. 14
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Date Posted: 16:08:10 09/01/02 Sun

I agree with you toally. Why are we here attacking each other with name calling and threats? Why are we acting like little children? We should be focusing on how to make this place a better place to live instead. Just to let you guys know we're up pretty late (till 5am if we're not tired and we don't sleep on the weekends) Please feel free to call us if you need anything. We'll be glad to check out the roof, go to the store/Getty, train station, etc.

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