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Subject: Meeting

Kaitlin and Ryan, Apt 46
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Date Posted: 23:14:15 09/01/02 Sun

I, respectfully, disagree with those that feel we do not need a meeting. I think we need to have another meeting. We need to decide exactly what we want George to do. There are other things that have not been posted on here. For example, when the cops were here the other day they commented on how unsafe our front doors are. They felt it was ridiculous and unsafe to have glass doors there. You only need to break one single pain of glass (well two, one on each door) to be able to get into the building. They felt that was unacceptable. These are the kind of things that should be put together in a list and taken to George. I also think we need to decide whether or not to go forward with the petition (which I originally wrote). I do still think it's a good idea, but I'm not going to waste my time going around with it if a majority of the people feel it is unecessary. I would also like to say that I am extremely relieved that there haven't been any muggings/incidents in the past few days, but I hope that it is not giving people a false sense of security. Maybe something has changed, but I'm not sure what that would be. I'm not saying we should necessarily assume the worst, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to only get fired up directly after something happens. I think we need to stick together to make sure nothing else happens or at least do everything we can do. I have no problem holding the meeting in my apartment. So, unless anyone has another idea, there will be a meeting for anyone that wants to come on Wednesday at 8:00 in apartment 46. I hope that many of you can make it, and please try to bring as many constructive and positive ideas/suggestions as you can. Thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: Meeting

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Date Posted: 11:26:25 09/02/02 Mon

Thanks for offering your place for the meeting. Although I have my doubts and I'm a little disappointed with the postings and energy I've felt recently in the forum, I'd like to attend and do something that would increase all of our safety.

You are right--to assume that we're safe because no one has been mugged recently is ridiculous.

And although I'll be short on free time because of my schedule, I'm willing to help collecting signatures (on weekends) from the local businesspeople. I speak Spanish and perhaps I can explain to them in detail why this is so important to us and how it can benefit them.

I'll be there on Wednesday. Greg will also be attending.

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