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Subject: none

Kyle #44
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Date Posted: 10:26:51 09/02/02 Mon

I have been active in this whole thing from day one. Remember George ripped my letter down and woke me up to only yell at me. Me and Natalie WILL be at the meeting. I will reiterate the fact that I want to fight for safety and laundry room (which should be considered safety) till I leave. Wheather it be now or a year from now. If you feel you won't benefit from going to the meeting that is fine. Just please if anyone has an idea they want to submit they can write it down and drop it under my door. It will get addressed at the meeting. You don't even have to put your name on it. If you want to discuss anything before the meeting come by I probably will be home. Everyone here is a part of this. All ideas will be addressed. The meeting will not get out of hand. This meeting is not to argue the degree of danger here. It is to address issues that need to be taken care of. It is obvious that some people are VERY scared here. This would only explain the amount of emotion in some of these posts even if it is vulgar. I don't agree with it but people handle things differently than others. I assure this will not happen in Ryan and Kaitlin's apartment. I do want to see Brigid there. You have been active from the beginning. Your input is needed. Also please write down any police reports that have been made. Drop it off under my door if you won't attend the meeting. We accually might need a copy of police reports. It has seemed that the muggings have calmed down a bit. Maybe it is the building coming together and helping each other out. This is the most important thing, But last night is one of the first nights I havn't heard people above my roof. It is probably because it was pooring rain last night. I have and will call the cops everytime I hear this noise. Please don't let your guard down. Just be aware of your suroundings and you will probably be fine. One more thing, if you have pepper spray have it out so it is visable when walking to the building. These guys only want people that are going to be easy prey. Me and Natalie in two diff ocasions have had someone on a bike at night ride toward us and slow down till they saw the pepper spray in my and her hand. They then sped away. I think pepper spray works better if it can avoid an attack rather than spray an attacker.

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