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Subject: an introduction

jon apt. 38
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Date Posted: 21:54:29 09/04/02 Wed


at some point, i accidentally disposed of the paper containing the url for this board. as a result, i have been unaware of this dialogue.

someone in the elevator (thank you) told me about tonight's meeting, and i attended for a short while (orange shirt, standing)

i live in apt. 38 with my girlfriend, Shin-pei.

three weeks ago or thereabouts, a lanky african american male approached me on Broadway (about 4 blocks from Lawton) at what seemed like 10 pm.
he threatened me and asked me for my wallet. i was surprised and told him to go fuck himself. a fairly physical altercation ensued, and ended when i ran as two friends of his approached. i notified the police, and spoke with two officers in a patrol car, but no report was filled out. i have never seen that guy again, but he may be affiliated with the people who have carried out previous attacks. in addition, my truck was vandalized one night when it was parked at lawton and bushwick.

on occasion, i have spent time on the roof above the fourth floor, and if i disturbed anyone, i am sorry. however, i never did anything i regarded as disruptive (mostly laying on the roof and looking at the skyline), and i certainly do not make a practise of wielding crowbars. most of the time.

i think it might be nice if we compile a list of the names and phone numbers of people who are willing to walk other tenants home from Myrtle, and/or to investigate doings on the roof. i myself am home every night after 6, and heartily enjoy nighttime walks.

to that end, the following people have previously posted names and phone numbers:

Me (Jon) 347.623.0880

Dave 718.453.7571

Brigid 718.574.6893

Kyle &
Natalie 718-919-9471

John K 646-303-4235

Jeromie 732.754.4828

Michael 646-337-3473

Jared 917-476-2635

Billy &
Sue 718-919-0648

Katy & 718-443-6980
Chris 718-877-0733

if everyone is in accord, i would be happy to create and distribute a hard copy of this list. ideally, we could take responsibility for certain days, and assure that no one ever feels awkward or unsafe in our neighborhood.

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[> Subject: Re: an introduction

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Date Posted: 22:02:12 09/04/02 Wed

one more thing...

i publish a website, and i would love for my neighboors to check it out:


be warned, however, that the content is fairly strong, and i certainly don't want to offend any sensitive viewers.

in addition, if anyone has flash movies or writing (comedic) they would like to submit, please email me.

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