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Subject: potential address of assailants

sue and billy apt 14
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Date Posted: 07:15:42 09/05/02 Thu

we came home late yesterday night and while we were driving down dodsworth street (the street after lawton) we noticed that there were kids hanging out at the stoop in front of one of the buildings. they are the same guys who ride around in bikes circling our block. i think they might be the same kids stirring up trouble. If any of you have had altercations please drive by dodsworth and be on the lookout to see if these kids look familiar. i myself have not been mugged yet but i was walking alone on broad daylight (6pm) and these kids (about 3-4) on bikes deliberately tried to run me over. of course i jumped and these kids thought it was hilarious and just rode on. im already planning to move out at the end of my lease because i feel like a virtual prisoner at home. i will only reconsider staying if the BUILDING is safe. im home alone on weekends most of the time and have various images of crowbar weilding trespassers trying to break into my apartment. i dont go out at nights unless i am accompanied by an entourage of at least 3 otherwise i have to spend money on car service. its pretty sad. by the way, if anyone took minutes of yesterday's meeting, please let me know. i do hope there will be things done by the landlord to make this building safer so i can reconsider staying. moving is expensive and im still trying to pay for an education. thanks. sue

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