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Subject: Call me whenever

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Date Posted: 15:07:25 09/05/02 Thu

Hi everyone.

Thanks Jon and Sue for the info.
Thank you Jon also for summing up the phone numbers.
I had my posts deleted for two reasons: 1) they were long and tedious and 2) I am hoping to find time sometime this week to address George personally in a letter to express my dissatisfaction with our last phone conversation as well as my hope that we can communicate better in the future.

To that end, here is my info again for anyone wanting a walk with me and my dog. Zac is also ready and willing to escort anyone:

home phone 718-574-6893
cell 440-891-0831 (use this if you have a cell with free nationwide long distance -- it's the easiest way to get me)
and my email remains bmo211@nyu.edu
and i'm in apartment 21

I am almost always available on weekends as I'm usually doing schoolwork in my apartment.

Thanks again, Kaitlin and Ryan for hosting the meeting and for being such wonderful hosts. For those of you that weren't there, I'm sure something akin to 'minutes' are forthcoming.

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[> Subject: Re: Call me whenever

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Date Posted: 15:09:40 09/05/02 Thu

I am a dumbass. I just gave you my family's number in Ohio. Let's try again. My cell phone is 440-263-7699. If you accidentally call my parents, I'm sure my mom will call you "Honey" and all will be well.

Excuse me. I tend to be rather flighty when it comes to details like phone numbers.

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