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Date Posted: 07:26:12 09/10/02 Tue
I disagree. I think that he is dishonest, shady, and greedy. From the first moment I met him I got that kind of vibe from him. 'Oh, I am your friend, you can trust me for everything, I wouldnt steer you wrong.' Yeah fucking right. He had the opportunity to say 'ok, you are having a problem here with safety, people have gotten mugged, you are in danger, let me try to do what I can to help.' But instead, he tried to cover up everything, to the extent of lying to the police, in order to protect his little investment here. He put your safety in jeopardy in doing so. If for some inexplicable reason you feel good will towards him after that, I would bet that he doesn't feel the same about you. He looks at you and sees only $1200 a month, or whatever youre paying. He sees a new car or a new watch. I trust my judgement of people, it having proven itself many many times, and I would not trust George for anything. If you do I am sure you will be disappointed.
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