Culley - Apt. 15
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Date Posted: 09:33:56 09/10/02 Tue
Yes, you are totally right. He definetly looks at me, and all of us, and sees $1100-$1500 a month, and nothing more. And I certainly never bought his "hey, whatever you need, I'm a landlord and a friend" routine. He is a businessman trying to turn a profit on this investment he has been sitting on. I'm simply suggesting, at least in my experience, it is most effective to humanize rather than dehumanize, especially in a polarized situation. But you are right, trust is something that is earned, and he hasn't. And rhetoric is a sorry excuse for action. I didn't mean to defend George or suggest he is George Bailey by any means. I just think he is in way over his head, and has no idea how to handle this situation. That is not an excuse, it is simply putting a human face on all the George-is-the-Devil rhetoric, because I can't see what good will come of that.
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