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Subject: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 20:49:39 09/17/02 Tue

Hello, one and all. Zac and I were wondering how the meeting at the precinct went tonight. We apologize for not making it. We would like to go in the future, only the timing was off for us this week (we have my sister's wedding in ohio this weekend and therefore have been trying in vain to put our personal/professional lives in order before a crazy weekend). Was anyone able to make the meeting, and if so, could you tell us how it went?
Many thanks.

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[> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 22:30:45 09/17/02 Tue

Why yes Brigid someone did attend the meeting. Actually there were two of us. That's right kids, count 'em, two. To be honest it was happenstance that Denise and I bumped into each other in the lobby otherwise we might not have gone either. What happened to Dave?

I know we're all busy, but it was really unfortunate that more people didn't attend. Especially since neither of us have had ANY problems. We made a fair amount of noise, spoke with department higher-ups and raised the concerns that the building and neighborhood have been experiencing, but if there had been 30 of us rather than two I think we would have received even more attention.

I know Denise was a better note taker than I so I'm sure she will have more to say - the main thing I came away with is that the police seem to value community feedback, there ARE resources available (over 90 auxiliary police officers!) and that, cliche or not, the "squeaky wheel gets the grease".

ALL incidents should be reported if we have any hope of getting more police presence.

BTW - What happened with our Police audit Greg? Is there something still in the works? From what I read/hear It seems things HAVE settled down and let's all hope it stays that way.

FYI - We met some great people and there is ANOTHER local community meeting tomorrow. Denise has a contact number, but the address is 195 Linden Street (corner of Wilson). The downside is it starts at 6:00 PM. Usually gets going around 6:30.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 00:09:28 09/18/02 Wed

Thank you Michael for the info and for representing all of us (Thanks also Denise).

Yes, you are right. In the future, a concerted effort to attend is optimal and indeed necessary if we really want to be listened to. Like I said, if only I am speaking for Zac and myself, we would like to attend in the future.

If it makes you feel any better, I ran into several people in the lobby today that were feeling guilty about also not being able to make it. I don't think any of us 5 lobby talkers were passing up the meeting for reasons of "taking a nap" or "drinking beers in our leisure time" -- it was more along the lines of unfortunate coincidence, i.e. the coincidence of the meeting taking place during an extraordinarily hectic week for all parties concerned.

On that note, I thank you and Denise again for taking time out of your own busy lives to represent us in the 'hood. I, for one, really appreciate it.

And if you were the one who made the snazzy sign for the bulletin board, well then, you're pretty cool for that as well.

Take care.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

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Date Posted: 05:44:29 09/18/02 Wed

Thanks Brigid. I could just as easily have been one of the "5 guilty lobby talkers". As for the snazzy sign I cannot take credit for it. I thought it was Dave's handywork.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Community Meeting at the Precinct

Greg # 7
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Date Posted: 13:35:47 09/18/02 Wed

I faxed the NYPD our request for a security survey on 9/10, and haven't heard back. I will give them a call if I still haven't heard anything by week's end. Also, if anyone wants their apartment checked, give me a call and I'll add it to the list of concerns. (917) 803-0525.

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