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Subject: community meeting

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Date Posted: 18:37:03 09/18/02 Wed

Hello one and all. I have not been around during the summer and was concerned about the things that I had heard upon my return, so I decided to go to the community meeting and see what (if anything) the community could do to help. Michael joined me on the quest and here is the jist of what happened.

The meeting took place at the 83rd precinct (off of Myrtle and Knickerbocker). The police officers/community representatives were very very accomodating.

*The officers meet with the community once a month (every third Tuesday). All are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Representatives from the community are also present (e.g. outreach programs, church officials, block associations, etc.) It is a nice (and fast) way to get to know who is in your community and build up relations with the community.
*The meetings are USUALLY held at the 83rd precinct. If you have any questions about where the next community meeting is going to be located you can get in contact with the precinct.
*If we want more police presence in the neighborhood then we have to report ALL incidences to the police (sighted car break-ins, vandalism, muggings, etc.). Sgt. Meade made a point of emphasizing that nothing is too petty and that is best to stop things from escalating by resolving them while they are still "petty". By the way, he also stated that it is not too late to call and report things that have already happened. The police can not know to patrol our area if they are not being told that there is a problem.
*We are all busy and certainly no one wants to really take on the role of the "leader" and that is not necessary. We can stand side by side and make a difference.

*Sgt. Detective Peter Meade is our man. He is now aware of the happenings and has promised to help by sending squad cars through our area more often but also said that we have to help ourselves by calling in things as they happen and calling in to report things that have already occured. (I know I'm being redundant but he kept saying this over and over.) It is the only way for our problem to be officially recognized (i.e. with stats and stuff).

*Police Officer Swanson is the guy to turn to for auto theft/vandalism information. Everyone should receive a flyer under their door soon with info's about one particular such program and more important his contact information.

*"Manni" from the narcotics squad will be patroling our area (in plain clothing) over the next couple of weeks (from 3-8/9).

*Another flyer that you'll get under the door is for terrorism but I was told that it is also used for reporting all types of stuff.

*Michael and I also meet "Camacho". He is a community activist and lives two blocks down. He seems to be a guy that knows everyone in the hood and everything that goes down. He pleaded with us to call him if anything goes down because chances are he can figure out who did it and solve the problem. He wanted a description of the guys involved in the muggings but I had no clue. Camacho's number is (718) 919 4753.

*There is also a block association for our block. The people who head it live in 35 Lawton. Their names are Ann and Hayward. They own a very nice dog and said that they have meet several of the dog owners in the building.

*Sgt.Meade suggested that when you see a squad car in our area to stop it, introduce yourself to the officers and let the officer's know that they are a welcomed sight. He insisted that letting the officers know that they are welcomed in a part of town where they are often not seen as welcomed makes all of the difference.

*Sgt. Meade also suggested (off of the books) that we send a letter to City Hall. He said that whether believe this or not that this makes an official difference in human allocation policies.

*Sgt. Meade and ALL of the other officers and the people from our community wanted all of us to know that they are glad that we are here and that they want to do everything possible to keep us here. (They were all very nice).

*We were also told about asking for an F-tap on the building. George has to officially request such a thing. It was explained to me that it would allow that trespassor's in (or on) our building be arrested immediately. What would happen under normal circumstances is that the offenders would be escorted from the building and turned loose.

Sorry if it gets a little confusing. I'm tired but I wanted to give you all some feed back.

By the way the community is starting a food drive for Thanksgiving. All non perishables are greatly appreciated. Perhaps we could do a general collection and then drop it all off at the precinct at one time?
gotta go -- sleep well all

and remember -- there is power is numbers

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