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Subject: This is not a place to insult Jared

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Date Posted: 08:12:08 10/16/02 Wed

Who cares why George likes Jared or why Jared likes George. Jared has shown his concern for Ezequiel staying here which is more than most of the people here have done. Even I haven't dropped off the letter I wrote yet, but I plan to. That's all we can do. It's George's choice. We are all jumping to conclusions that the new super will be an illegal alien, but we have no evidence. Ezequiel is upset, with good reason, but I'm sure he doesn't even know all the particulars. Only George does. Jared is right about this being a business to George. We wouldn't be here if George didn't want to make money. I'm actually glad to have the apartment I do and I wouldn't have it if George hadn't made this huge investment and risked a lot. I completely disagree with a lot of what he has done. I don't think he has communicated with any of us the way he should. Maybe for a select few he responds to them when they contact him, but he has a responsibility to tell us what is going on about things like safety, laundry room, electricity, the status of our super, etc... without us going after him. Hopefully this will improve in the future. But for now all we can do is tell him how we feel. What makes us feel justified to tell him what to do? If the new super will, in fact, live in the building than theoretically we are not getting reduced services and can't do anything about it except tell him that we would rather have Ezequiel here. But also consider the new super and his girlfriend, just because we don't know them do we not care that they have been promised a place to live and a job? Now we are trying to get George to take that offer back? That doesn't seem right either. I think everyone needs to calm down and accept the fact that we are renting apartments in this building. We do not own it. Hopefully we can all build a community and get to know each other, but it isn't George's job to appease our every whim. We already have this forum (thanks again guys) which could help bring everyone together, but all we do (with the exception of a few people) is come on here when there is a problem and insult George and other people that live here. If Ezequiel is not going to stay I will be very sad, but other than telling George how I feel there is nothing else to do but accept it. Let the flaming begin.

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[> Subject: Re: This is not a place to insult Jared

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Date Posted: 14:22:14 10/16/02 Wed

Letters and improved communication. I'm sure that's what we'd all like to see and I have sent my letter. The problem is, as you say, that there would be no guesswork if we were informed. The insults would not be thrown as often if we were all informed adequately and honestly. We'd all be spared a lot of crap if we were just dealt with fairly and honestly. Should I say it again (one without the others is worthless): Adequately, Fairly, and Honestly. I should also add Promptly. George, if you're reading this: Things don't have to be like this in the future. You need to talk to us and with us instead of avoid us and mislead us. This whole fiasco could have been prevented. I know this is your business, but the money equation can't always be the only consideration. There are a lot of human beings involved with this building, Ezequiel and your renters included. In a lot of cases, if one person is affected, at least half the building is affected. And if you've heard five complaints about Ezequiel, by now you've probably been sent 20 letters praising him. Think about it.

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[> Subject: Re: This is not a place to insult Jared

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Date Posted: 16:32:11 10/16/02 Wed

I actually agree with you, whoever you are. Although I could get sentimental about Ezequiel leaving, it is George's building and he makes the final decision about that. I don't own this building (thank God). I hope he stays though.

You made a lot of points. Thanks.

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