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Subject: my conversation with george

jeromie apt. 23
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Date Posted: 17:19:18 10/16/02 Wed

i had a long conversation with george this afternoon. he actually called me, in reply to my email that i sent him about ezequiel.

george basically said to me that ezequiel misunderstood their conversation... george told me he has not been happy with ezequiel's availability to us and the apartment building at night and on the weekends. he said he had a "stern talk about it, and that ezequiel took it the wrong way." george is very concerned about him being around when we need him. he said that on several occasions at night and on weekend nights, ezequiel hasn't been around... he specifically said something about sunday nights-- so i don't know if something happened and ezequiel wasn't there or what... maybe somebody else knows.

george also told me he cares about ezequiel and his family and has known him for over eight years. one of the reasons he hired him to look after the building, was because he was always around. george said that's what he wants ezequiel to do, always be around... which is the job of a superintendent. i told george that this had never been an issue for me, and that i've always appreciated having ezequiel as a super (because i've had much, much worse). he too was appreciate of ezequiel and the work he's done... he just wants more. he said to me that he wants to keep us happy and safe, and that requires a super to be there when we need him. i got the feeling george was genuinely concerned about keeping us happy and not wanting anyone else to move out.

now, i know my version differs from other's (specifically jared's account...base on what he posted). but i asked him straight up if he was laying ezequiel off. he said no and that we should continue calling ezequiel when we need help with something for now. i don't know if he's working something out so that there are more people around, or if george changed his mind because he got a bunch of letters from us, or maybe he's going to keep him on part-time... but what i do know, is that george was very appreciative of the fact that i sent him an email with my name and apartment number on it. he also told me he had five letters that he put straight into the trash because they were anonymous or "not nice."

i don't know if this posting helps or hurts, but i thought i would relay what i was told.

apt. 23

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[> Subject: Re: my conversation with george

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Date Posted: 19:07:26 10/16/02 Wed

I am not disagreeing with you Jeromie, but how can George expect Ezequiel to be around 24 hours a day? He has to have his own life while also being around as much as possible and I think he does that. Maybe we just need to find a way to get in touch with him. There is no way that George could find someone that would be around 24/7 even if they said they would be. From what I've heard, from several people, is that the situation has been taken care of and Ezequiel is keeping his job. I hope this is true. We should probably all be careful not to call George right away when we have a problem, even if we can't find Ezequiel (unless it's an emergency). George made himself available a lot in the beginning when the building wasn't finished, but now it may make it look like Ezequiel isn't doing his job if we keep taking things straight to George. Just a thought.

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