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Date Posted: 21:49:35 03/19/03 Wed
Author: "The Natural" Matt Thornhill
Subject: Wars of all Sorts

The scene opens in a sparsely furnished, dimly lit room. There is a ragged orange couch and burgandy end table in the middle of the room. On the wall behind the couch, a wall with mainly certificates and pictures, all too far away to figure out who is who. On the opposite wall, a TV stand with a worn 20 inch TV and VCR on top. On the couch sits Matt Thornhill, wearing a pair of gray sweats and a camo shirt, staring intently at the images flickering on the screen.

The tape is from Electromania. Thornhill, as has been noted by the very patient camerman, has shown an incredible amount of fascination with three matches in particular on the card. The first, of course, is his own match. The Triple Threat with Kizer and TPM. Kizer pulling out the tainted victory over an occupied Thornhill.

The second match was the tag team championship match. The Union JaxXx making a mockery of Thornhill's country, the United States.

The third match wa--

I can't believe this. Every time I watch this tape, over and over again, I feel screwed a little more. Kizer, I've got a little proposition for you and your little German buddy Hans. But, I'll get back to that later.

Thornhill hits the rewind button on his VCR, speeding in reverse back to the end of the Tag Team Title match. Thornhill freezes a frame with Healey and Khan holding their titles.

Union JaxXx. Khan and Healey. You guys have picked the wrong time to mess with America...our troops are overseas, but that doesn't mean there's nobody left here to defend this land. I'm here to look over the honor this country deserves. I will not tolerate your crap. You have been warned. Next time...well, keep talking your trash. You'll see.

Thornhill fast forwards back to his match with Kizer and TPM. He freezes a frame with Hans holding him back as Kizer scores the pinfall.

Kizer. I told you I'd get back to you...well, here it is. You get your little buddy his visa renewed and get him back in the country. I've got an old friend of mine who would LOVE to get in the ring with you two and crack some heads. So, if you're up to it, me and my mystery partner against you and Hans, at Glory, in Dayton, Ohio. Interested? I sure hope so. We've got big plans for you...

Thornhill fast-forwards the tape once more. However, this time the image becomes garbled before the tape is spit out of the VCR. Cheap VCRs do tend to eat up tapes, as is the case here...

Crap. As for my third little announcement, I guess I'll just make that at Glory. Let's just say this: I'm aiming high. I've got my sights set and my mind made up. I can't wait to get to Dayton...

Thornhill pulls himself up off the couch and walks over to where the VCR and the miles of his tape are located. He sighs with disgust as the camera fades to black.

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