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Date Posted: 20:04:42 03/19/03 Wed
Author: Hysteria
Subject: One on One with the Amateur One

(OOC: I think the deadline was 9 AM this morning, but someone told me it was tonight...So, I'm roleplaying again and if it doesn't count then ohh well)

Alot of things have changed since Hysteria first joined the CWF. Not really things in the company, but more in Hysteria himself. He used to be open to reason, nice to people that deserved it, an all around okay guy. Things can't always been done the right way though, and Hysteria realized this. He turned himself into a hard headed, arrogant, win at all costs fighter with no care for authority or justice. There is only one kind of law Hysteria follows, and that's the law of survival...

Looking in through the frosted window of a local gym we see Hysteria doing leg lifts with a small crowd surrounding him. It's unclear how much weight is on the bar, but it appears to be a lot. He finishes a set and puts the weights down then bows as the crowd begins to clap. He walks over to a bench as the gathering disperses and sits down to drink some water...A large man, probably in his mid- twenties, starts coming towards him with a camera man following close behind.

Man: Hey Hysteria!!

Hysteria: ( as man stops just a foot away) Yes large, sweaty person I do not know?

Man: The name's Tyrone Maynard...I'm the amateur wrestling champion of the state...

Hysteria: Wonderful for you...What can I help you with?

Tyrone: I've been scouted by several professional wrestling agencies...They tell me I'm a prodigy...All they want me to do is prove myself beyond a doubt. That's where you come in...

( Hysteria drops his water bottle and stands up face to face with Maynard. Hysteria is only about an inch taller, and the two obviously seem to be near the same weight. The crowd that was watching Hysteria earlier comes over again and stands around.)

Hysteria:...And just how does this concern me?

Tyrone: Because I am going to kick your ass, film it, and send it in to the scouts to prove myself...

Hysteria: If I just happened to say no to this impromptu match, what would you do then sonny boy?

Tyrone: ( face reddens) Don't call me that!....If you refuse to have an actual in ring match, then I'll just have to kick your ass right here hardcore style...

( Hysteria scratches his goatee in thought then glances over his shoulder to the crowd and winks.)

Hysteria: Okay, here's the deal..We will take this to a ring just to keep these people from getting hurt. No weapons...but anything else goes......And no ref to call for the bell or make a count....The match is over when one of us is out cold and can't move....Deal?

Tyrone: If that's the only way I'll get my match, then you have yourself a deal...big man..

(Hysteria turns and walks off towards the door with Tyrone, the crowd, and the camera man following. He exits the weight room and walks down the hall to the end and makes a left. There's a regulation size ring in the center of the room with two people sparring with each other....Hysteria whistles and gets their attention, then asks them to get out of the ring. They exit and people start setting up chairs....Hysteria gets in the ring and holds his hand up to Tyrone.)

Hysteria: Not yet....Hey, put the camera on me....There that's better.......Now, I'd like to welcome you all to the match of the day....Me, Hysteria...CWF professional ass kicking wrestler...versus Tyrone " I'm about to be put in a body bag" Maynard.....so called amateur wrestling champion of Alaska........In the event that I win this match, I will confiscate the tape for my own use....Since I plan on getting that tape, let me just say a few words before we go on...Hitman, you will one day see this recording...probably while laying in a hospital bed if you don't get your hands on it before the match.......I just want to let you know that when I am brutally bashing this poor man's head in, I'll be thinking of you.......Isn't that just sweet? Ya see Hitman, I've had it with you...You are a constant reminder to me of what can go wrong when two idiots have children....You have gotten on my last nerve, and I'm sick of having to deal with you all the freaking time...I'll tell you something Hitman, you are just a....Ow shit..

( Hysteria falls to the mat as Tyrone has speared him in the back. Somehow he slipped out of Hysteria's view while he was talking to the camera....Hysteria stares at him as the camera man moves around to get a better shot. The two advance on each other and lock up. Maynard tries to get around behind Hysteria to give him a German but Hysteria pushes him away then runs at him with a huge clothesline from behing, knocking Tyrone to the floor face first. Hysteria then jumps and brings his massive right leg down in the center of Tyrone's back. Maynard's body twitches and his head pops up from the mat as he yells, but just gets pushed back down again as Hysteria bashes his fist into the back of Tyrone's head. Hysteria sits next to Tyrone and puts him in a scissor headlock and just sits there...After two minutes, Maynard doesn't tap but simply lays limp in the center of the ring....Hysteria gets up and walks to the corner as the crowd begins to clap and jumps up to sit on the turnbuckle, then looks into the camera.)

Hysteria: Was that like a four minute match? Seriously, for an amateur state champion I thought he would last a little bit longer.....See Hitman, that's the kind of thing I am capable of doing....I can knock you out with my fist, snap your neck with a suplex...or put you to sleep with a submission hold......You think you are back to a hundred percent? Well, you're not....Just the simple fact that you have to face me again in the near future drops that percentage a couple points...because injury is inevitable......This man laying here unconcious should be a fine example to you of what happens when you fuck with me.....You get beaten!! I've had problems with you since I first graced the CWF scene....Your attitude with the Vice President just pissed me off......Nowadays, I wouldn't give a damn because I just don't care anymore about anything but myself......If only I hadn't cared then, I wouldn't have to deal with you now...It would have saved me a lot of time in the ring against losers, and you a lot of time on the sidelines.......Alas, that's how things go, and I'm sorry to say I can't change it.....Shh, I think he's snoring...

( Hysteria leans over slightly on the turnbuckle and puts his hand up to his ear, then laughs...)

Hysteria: Ahh, Sleeping Ugly.......Just remember this Hitman......On Glory, you can simply refer to me as the sandman, because I will bring you a dream.....Hopefully I'll put you to sleep...for good!

(Hysteria jumps off the turnbuckle and walks over to Maynard and kicks him in the ribs. His body doesn't move and Hysteria exits the ring. As he is walking towards the door paramedics are running in and go around both sides of him to avoid him. They slide into the ring as Hysteria whistles over at the camera man...He runs out towards him and there's a scream..)

Camera Man: (Slightly Muffled) No, you can't really take this....It's my own personal prope....(choking gags)

Hysteria: I take what I want....You'd do well to learn not to disagree...

( Hysteria lets go of the man's throat and grabs the camera before it falls to the floor. The camera man slides down the wall, grabbing at his throat and gasping. Hysteria throws back one last glance and laughs, then walks out of the gym...)

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