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Date Posted: 18:11:42 03/13/03 Thu
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious)

About The Fed

Honest Opinions Please

1. Do you think it would be a good idea for The President (me) to start a system of booking like is used in Pro Wrestling. By that I mean me coming up with angles, storylines, etc etc for EVERYONE in the fed, and just use feedback from the handlers as suggestions only, not necessarily making it what would go down. For example, let's just say there was a guy called Lincoln Jones...he wanted to do an angle where he was a pimp. I take it under advisement, but decide he may be better suited for an angle where he appears to be gay. Keep in mind that's obviously just an example, wouldn't actually do that. Basically what I'm asking is do you think there should be an actual system in place instead of me just helping people out when they ask, where storylines are scripted far in advance instead of on the fly. For everyone in the fed. And everyone works within those storylines with their characters. (This could lead to "Creative Control" clauses in contracts which would add a bit more realism to the whole thing) Just wanted to get opinions. Best example I can give if that such a system was in place is I would make myself a list. That list would be something like "Wrestler A is feuding with Wrestler B. Week one Wrestler A sneak attacks Wrestler B in his match. Week two Wrestler A and Wrestler B have partners for a tag team match. Week three Wrestler B causes Wrestler A to be disqualified in a title match"...and stuff like that. I wouldn't use the one guy costing the other guy a match unless the roleplays for that week made sense with it, just to keep things fair. It sounds complicated, but I do have a system in mind, just wanted to hear feed back to see if it was a good idea or not.

2. What would your opinion be on a rotating show schedule? Instead of Wednesday Night Glory, it would just be CWF Glory, and would be on a different night each week, but on a set Schedule. Like if one week Glory was on Wednesday, the following week it would be on Thursday, and the week after that, on a Friday, and the week after, Saturday. And so on. That way, if someone has a problem Roleplaying for a Wednesday show week in and week out (which some of you have told me about) it's not on wednesday each week. Myself and Brad (JYD) were talking about this the other night, and as I told him, "It wouldn't be screwing over just a few guys each and every week because of the bad day...it'd be screwing over everyone only some of the time" and it would be fair. I would try to keep at least partial cards for shows a week or two in advance posted so some people would have time to prepare in case something comes up (Ie: I'd have the full card for a Friday Glory up, along with a partial card for the follow week's Saturday Glory, which would be filled in after Friday). Again, just an idea I've been toying with and want feedback on.

3. If you don't like the idea of rotating shows, what is your opinion on 2 shorter shows a week? Wednesday show, and a show on another day...both cards with say 3 matches a piece, with backstage segments on each, spreading things out.

Just for fun

1. Think of the WWE. I thought it would be kind of cool where they had a Pay Per View Event where they posted their entire roster, and then lets the fans vote in online polls, and by phone or whatever, for the matches they want to see on the event. Like have spots for 8 matches...a couple of them tag team, and a couple of them triple threat and stuff, maybe throw in the options of voting for a stipulation or two. But in the end, the fans pick who wrestles who, and where in the card they wrestle. So for example let's say you have a list of the WWE guys in front of you, and you want to see Rock wrestle Scott Steiner in the opening match...then you want to see, HHH fight Edge in the second match, and so on. I personally think it would be a huge hit. WWE is always claiming they want to give fans what they want to see, that would be the ultimate way of doing it, would also be a kick ass way to get some fresh storylines. Make it for just one event per year, but make it an anual thing replacing one of the PPV's like no way out or no mercy or something. What do you think?

2. What's been your favorite CWF moment? The guys who have been here longer feel free to pick stuff from your era, newer guys feel free to pick something from your era...and feel free to pick something involving yourself if you really feel like it.

Personally my favorite CWF moment was my first singles match in the CWF where I made Bob Decot tap out, that was pretty damn sweet lol

3. Out of the Pay Per Views I've worked on since taking control (Bad Meets Evil, Rock Bottom, and Electromania 4) Which has been the best overall? (feel free to skip this one if you haven't been here for all three)

4. What's your favorite style of roleplay? Comedy, dark/gothic, story form, etc etc.

I personally use the comedy style with a lot of character interaction that's mostly dialogue...but I'm a big fan of the long story format with lots of scene setting, emotion, and not neccessarily a lot of talking. I like reading stuff that shows stuff through character action not words.

5. Do you think I'm gonna come up with another psycho match for our next PPV or actually let it slide with a relatively normal card? (Just had to throw that one in there lol)

I do actually have an idea for another match that's never been done, but it's not really psycho, just a cool idea with some fine tuning. But whether I use it on the PPV or not is another question all together...just gotta keep you guys guessing.

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[> Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious) -- Tveite, 20:52:59 03/13/03 Thu (dsc01-mik-mn-2-141.rasserver.net/

>1. Do you think it would be a good idea for The
>President (me) to start a system of booking like is
>used in Pro Wrestling. By that I mean me coming up
>with angles, storylines, etc etc for EVERYONE in the
>fed, and just use feedback from the handlers as
>suggestions only, not necessarily making it what would
>go down. For example, let's just say there was a guy
>called Lincoln Jones...he wanted to do an angle where
>he was a pimp. I take it under advisement, but decide
>he may be better suited for an angle where he appears
>to be gay. Keep in mind that's obviously just an
>example, wouldn't actually do that. Basically what
>I'm asking is do you think there should be an actual
>system in place instead of me just helping people out
>when they ask, where storylines are scripted far in
>advance instead of on the fly. For everyone in the
>fed. And everyone works within those storylines with
>their characters. (This could lead to "Creative
>Control" clauses in contracts which would add a bit
>more realism to the whole thing) Just wanted to get
>opinions. Best example I can give if that such a
>system was in place is I would make myself a list.
>That list would be something like "Wrestler A is
>feuding with Wrestler B. Week one Wrestler A sneak
>attacks Wrestler B in his match. Week two Wrestler A
>and Wrestler B have partners for a tag team match.
>Week three Wrestler B causes Wrestler A to be
>disqualified in a title match"...and stuff like that.
>I wouldn't use the one guy costing the other guy a
>match unless the roleplays for that week made sense
>with it, just to keep things fair. It sounds
>complicated, but I do have a system in mind, just
>wanted to hear feed back to see if it was a good idea
>or not.

Keep it the way it's been, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>2. What would your opinion be on a rotating show
>schedule? Instead of Wednesday Night Glory, it would
>just be CWF Glory, and would be on a different night
>each week, but on a set Schedule. Like if one week
>Glory was on Wednesday, the following week it would be
>on Thursday, and the week after that, on a Friday, and
>the week after, Saturday. And so on. That way, if
>someone has a problem Roleplaying for a Wednesday show
>week in and week out (which some of you have told me
>about) it's not on wednesday each week. Myself and
>Brad (JYD) were talking about this the other night,
>and as I told him, "It wouldn't be screwing over just
>a few guys each and every week because of the bad
>day...it'd be screwing over everyone only some of the
>time" and it would be fair. I would try to keep at
>least partial cards for shows a week or two in advance
>posted so some people would have time to prepare in
>case something comes up (Ie: I'd have the full card
>for a Friday Glory up, along with a partial card for
>the follow week's Saturday Glory, which would be
>filled in after Friday). Again, just an idea I've
>been toying with and want feedback on.

Sounds like a good idea. Might be confusing at first, but it would be nice to have 8 days instead of 7 each week.

>3. If you don't like the idea of rotating shows, what
>is your opinion on 2 shorter shows a week? Wednesday
>show, and a show on another day...both cards with say
>3 matches a piece, with backstage segments on each,
>spreading things out.

Nah, I like the one show a week format MUCH better.

>1. Think of the WWE. I thought it would be kind of
>cool where they had a Pay Per View Event where they
>posted their entire roster, and then lets the fans
>vote in online polls, and by phone or whatever, for
>the matches they want to see on the event. Like have
>spots for 8 matches...a couple of them tag team, and a
>couple of them triple threat and stuff, maybe throw in
>the options of voting for a stipulation or two. But
>in the end, the fans pick who wrestles who, and where
>in the card they wrestle. So for example let's say you
>have a list of the WWE guys in front of you, and you
>want to see Rock wrestle Scott Steiner in the opening
>match...then you want to see, HHH fight Edge in the
>second match, and so on. I personally think it would
>be a huge hit. WWE is always claiming they want to
>give fans what they want to see, that would be the
>ultimate way of doing it, would also be a kick ass way
>to get some fresh storylines. Make it for just one
>event per year, but make it an anual thing replacing
>one of the PPV's like no way out or no mercy or
>something. What do you think?

Sounds awesome, especially since smarks make up most of the WWE's floundering fanbase right now. Smarks know best!

>2. What's been your favorite CWF moment? The guys
>who have been here longer feel free to pick stuff from
> your era, newer guys feel free to pick something from
>your era...and feel free to pick something involving
>yourself if you really feel like it.

Ooooooooooh, it's a tough decision, but I'll say the Chaos Theory on Zeitgeist off the 20 foot ladder in the Web of Pain.

>3. Out of the Pay Per Views I've worked on since
>taking control (Bad Meets Evil, Rock Bottom, and
>Electromania 4) Which has been the best overall?
>(feel free to skip this one if you haven't been here
>for all three)

I'm gonna have to say Rock Bottom, although Javier Moreno vs Curtis Mayhem is by far the best normal singles match I've ever read.

>4. What's your favorite style of roleplay? Comedy,
>dark/gothic, story form, etc etc.

I loves me a good comedy roleplay, but those often get old fast.

>5. Do you think I'm gonna come up with another psycho
>match for our next PPV or actually let it slide with a
>relatively normal card? (Just had to throw that one in
>there lol)

Yeah, and the match will be this: Candyland Match. It will be fought inside a giant gingerbread house. It will be good brutal fun until Flabulas runs down and eats the whole thing.

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[> [> Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious) -- Freddie, 21:07:50 03/13/03 Thu (ip-69-10-105-50.cableaz.com/

Heh! I resemble that remark! (said as if I was Flabulas even though I'm not, I'm just his handler)

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[> Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious) -- TJ Raven, 21:07:04 03/13/03 Thu (203.teknett.com/

>About The Fed
>Honest Opinions Please
1. Do you think it would be a good idea for The
President (me) to start a system of booking like is
used in Pro Wrestling. By that I mean me coming up
with angles, storylines, etc etc for EVERYONE in the
fed, and just use feedback from the handlers as suggestions only, not necessarily making it what would go down. For example, let's just say there was a guy called Lincoln Jones...he wanted to do an angle where he was a pimp. I take it under advisement, but decide
he may be better suited for an angle where he appears
to be gay. Keep in mind that's obviously just an
example, wouldn't actually do that. Basically what
I'm asking is do you think there should be an actual
system in place instead of me just helping people out
when they ask, where storylines are scripted far in
advance instead of on the fly. For everyone in the
fed. And everyone works within those storylines with
their characters. (This could lead to "Creative
Control" clauses in contracts which would add a bit
more realism to the whole thing) Just wanted to get
opinions. Best example I can give if that such a
system was in place is I would make myself a list.
That list would be something like "Wrestler A is
feuding with Wrestler B. Week one Wrestler A sneak
attacks Wrestler B in his match. Week two Wrestler A
and Wrestler B have partners for a tag team match.
Week three Wrestler B causes Wrestler A to be
disqualified in a title match"...and stuff like that. I wouldn't use the one guy costing the other guy a
match unless the roleplays for that week made sense
with it, just to keep things fair. It sounds
complicated, but I do have a system in mind, just
wanted to hear feed back to see if it was a good idea or not.

I'm not really to keen on this idea. From what I'm reading it would seem like people wouldn't have control over what they do, for example. Myself as TJ Raven, am somewhat mentally disturbed, a bit psychotic, and totally off the charts in hardcore matches. I wouldn't like it if I were told somethign to the effect that my future gimmick is going to be a boot licking corporate lacky. Just doesn't sit right with me, but that's just my opinion on this.

2. What would your opinion be on a rotating show schedule? Instead of Wednesday Night Glory, it would
just be CWF Glory, and would be on a different night
each week, but on a set Schedule. Like if one week
Glory was on Wednesday, the following week it would be on Thursday, and the week after that, on a Friday, and the week after, Saturday. And so on. That way, if
someone has a problem Roleplaying for a Wednesday show week in and week out (which some of you have told me about) it's not on wednesday each week. Myself and Brad (JYD) were talking about this the other night, and as I told him, "It wouldn't be screwing over just a few guys each and every week because of the bad day...it'd be screwing over everyone only some of the time" and it would be fair. I would try to keep at least partial cards for shows a week or two in advance posted so some people would have time to prepare in case something comes up (Ie: I'd have the full card
for a Friday Glory up, along with a partial card for
the follow week's Saturday Glory, which would be
filled in after Friday). Again, just an idea I've
been toying with and want feedback on.

This idea doesn't seem so bad, but I don't quite know about the whole idea of announcing the card a full 2 weeks early, I think that might take a little somethign away from it all. Now maybe if a partial card were announced at the ending of an event or somthing perhaps, but to just come out and say, okay this is what's happening April 2nd and it's only March 13th would kind of ruin the surprise.

3. If you don't like the idea of rotating shows, what is your opinion on 2 shorter shows a week? Wednesday
show, and a show on another day...both cards with say
3 matches a piece, with backstage segments on each,
spreading things out.

I'd be cautious about this, sure it may lighten the load a little bit but it might also make for a heavier load as well, might overbook one card then if ones late chances are the second will be late too. Might just wanna give that a trial basis before makin it a permanent thing.

Just for fun

1. Think of the WWE. I thought it would be kind of cool where they had a Pay Per View Event where they posted their entire roster, and then lets the fans vote in online polls, and by phone or whatever, for the matches they want to see on the event. Like have spots for 8 matches...a couple of them tag team, and a couple of them triple threat and stuff, maybe throw in the options of voting for a stipulation or two. But in the end, the fans pick who wrestles who, and where in the card they wrestle. So for example let's say you have a list of the WWE guys in front of you, and you want to see Rock wrestle Scott Steiner in the opening match...then you want to see, HHH fight Edge in the second match, and so on. I personally think it would be a huge hit. WWE is always claiming they want to give fans what they want to see, that would be the ultimate way of doing it, would also be a kick ass way to get some fresh storylines. Make it for just one event per year, but make it an anual thing replacing one of the PPV's like no way out or no mercy or something. What do you think?

This idea kind of reminds me of the Lethal Lottery, not to bad of an idea for an annual event, that way it doesn't become stale or played out after a few weeks. I'd say it's a good suggestion and would have no objections to trying that system out at an upcoming PPV.

2. What's been your favorite CWF moment? The guys
who have been here longer feel free to pick stuff from
your era, newer guys feel free to pick something from
your era...and feel free to pick something involving
yourself if you really feel like it.

My favorite moment so far would have to be the beginning of my character change, when I whacked Matt Thornhill with a chair, before that I was kinda stumblnig through roleplays and not making a whole lot of sense. The changeover kind of gave my character some direction and depth. ANd I just gotta say my entire efedding experience has been great ever since, even the losses. Well maybe not, but it's still a fun experience.

3. Out of the Pay Per Views I've worked on since taking control (Bad Meets Evil, Rock Bottom, and Electromania 4) Which has been the best overall? (feel free to skip this one if you haven't been here for all three)

Haven't been here for all three but I had sent in my application shortly before Rock Bottom, so I've read 2 of the 3, and of the 2 I have seen my favorite moment would have to be; the Web of Pain match. Had me dumbfounded when I read it.

4. What's your favorite style of roleplay? Comedy, dark/gothic, story form, etc etc.

My favorite style would have to be the mysterious approach, one where things going on a dark and even a bit untold, letting the readers mind go off to it's own conclusions. since I tend to get bored with roleplays that go "This is Joe, Joe is walking, left foot right foot left foot again. he stops, he breathes in and out, he runs down a alley, and steps in a mud puddle. he falls and starts to cry. Joe is sad" Not that that style is bad or anything it just loses my interest quickly.

5. Do you think I'm gonna come up with another psycho
match for our next PPV or actually let it slide with a relatively normal card? (Just had to throw that one in
there lol)

I would certainly hope so, I've almost come to expect the crazy ideas for PPV's, and hey if you ever run out of ideas, I've got a few more unique match ideas up my sleeve so lemme know.

Guess hat's about all, so Peace & Chicken Grease

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[> Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious) -- Brett, 00:02:34 03/14/03 Fri (147.c.002.pth.iprimus.net.au/

1. great idea, i like surprises aslong as it can fit with what the handeler has in mind too, because theres nothing worse than thinking of something, then the prez doing the opposite, but its a good idea anyway (btw do u deside heel turns etc?)

2. Yes, go with the wednesday thrusday friday saturday thing, its a good idea, it gives one day extra between shows its really good.


1. i never new the wwe did that, but it wouldnt work in cwf since we got no fans :) unless we vote, but we'd be voting for our self.

2. fav moment has to be the TLC cage match where the for mation of the Union jaxXx was made and won the tag titles

3. EM4 with out a dobet (i won 3 out of 4!!!!!!!)

4. Comedy of course!

5. Hey knowing u prez, there will be another psycho match, looking at the pattern so far: "web of pain" "tlc cage" "suicide special" "flaming ropes" "man in the box" whats next? a fight on a jumbo jet with parisuits?

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[> Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious) -- Travis, 04:13:39 03/14/03 Fri (NoHost/

>About The Fed
>Honest Opinions Please
>1. Do you think it would be a good idea for The
>President (me) to start a system of booking like is
>used in Pro Wrestling. By that I mean me coming up
>with angles, storylines, etc etc for EVERYONE in the
>fed, and just use feedback from the handlers as
>suggestions only, not necessarily making it what would
>go down. For example, let's just say there was a guy
>called Lincoln Jones...he wanted to do an angle where
>he was a pimp. I take it under advisement, but decide
>he may be better suited for an angle where he appears
>to be gay. Keep in mind that's obviously just an
>example, wouldn't actually do that. Basically what
>I'm asking is do you think there should be an actual
>system in place instead of me just helping people out
>when they ask, where storylines are scripted far in
>advance instead of on the fly. For everyone in the
>fed. And everyone works within those storylines with
>their characters. (This could lead to "Creative
>Control" clauses in contracts which would add a bit
>more realism to the whole thing) Just wanted to get
>opinions. Best example I can give if that such a
>system was in place is I would make myself a list.
>That list would be something like "Wrestler A is
>feuding with Wrestler B. Week one Wrestler A sneak
>attacks Wrestler B in his match. Week two Wrestler A
>and Wrestler B have partners for a tag team match.
>Week three Wrestler B causes Wrestler A to be
>disqualified in a title match"...and stuff like that.
>I wouldn't use the one guy costing the other guy a
>match unless the roleplays for that week made sense
>with it, just to keep things fair. It sounds
>complicated, but I do have a system in mind, just
>wanted to hear feed back to see if it was a good idea
>or not.

I wouldn't do that for everyone, I mean ppl should be tryin to work themselves into stories and stuff, but I think that a system like that would just be too difficult to use on everyone because what happens if one guy doesn't rp is he gonna get in the doghouse. Don't fix what ain't broken
>2. What would your opinion be on a rotating show
>schedule? Instead of Wednesday Night Glory, it would
>just be CWF Glory, and would be on a different night
>each week, but on a set Schedule. Like if one week
>Glory was on Wednesday, the following week it would be
>on Thursday, and the week after that, on a Friday, and
>the week after, Saturday. And so on. That way, if
>someone has a problem Roleplaying for a Wednesday show
>week in and week out (which some of you have told me
>about) it's not on wednesday each week. Myself and
>Brad (JYD) were talking about this the other night,
>and as I told him, "It wouldn't be screwing over just
>a few guys each and every week because of the bad
>day...it'd be screwing over everyone only some of the
>time" and it would be fair. I would try to keep at
>least partial cards for shows a week or two in advance
>posted so some people would have time to prepare in
>case something comes up (Ie: I'd have the full card
>for a Friday Glory up, along with a partial card for
>the follow week's Saturday Glory, which would be
>filled in after Friday). Again, just an idea I've
>been toying with and want feedback on.

Go for it, might be difficult at first but should just flow right along
>3. If you don't like the idea of rotating shows, what
>is your opinion on 2 shorter shows a week? Wednesday
>show, and a show on another day...both cards with say
>3 matches a piece, with backstage segments on each,
>spreading things out.

Too much work for one person, unless you had other writers to do the shorter shows
>Just for fun
>1. Think of the WWE. I thought it would be kind of
>cool where they had a Pay Per View Event where they
>posted their entire roster, and then lets the fans
>vote in online polls, and by phone or whatever, for
>the matches they want to see on the event. Like have
>spots for 8 matches...a couple of them tag team, and a
>couple of them triple threat and stuff, maybe throw in
>the options of voting for a stipulation or two. But
>in the end, the fans pick who wrestles who, and where
>in the card they wrestle. So for example let's say you
>have a list of the WWE guys in front of you, and you
>want to see Rock wrestle Scott Steiner in the opening
>match...then you want to see, HHH fight Edge in the
>second match, and so on. I personally think it would
>be a huge hit. WWE is always claiming they want to
>give fans what they want to see, that would be the
>ultimate way of doing it, would also be a kick ass way
>to get some fresh storylines. Make it for just one
>event per year, but make it an anual thing replacing
>one of the PPV's like no way out or no mercy or
>something. What do you think?

Sounds like the old UnHoly Alliances thing from before your tenure Pres, and like the Lethal Lottery idea that I think Raven thought of on this poll, I always liked when WCW did the lethal lottery tag matches so that would be a cool 'specialty' ppv sometime, maybe after all the matches we could do like a battle royal or something with all the winners and the last man in the ring gets a shot at the World Title at the next ppv, make it almost like the King of the Ring in a sense
>2. What's been your favorite CWF moment? The guys
>who have been here longer feel free to pick stuff from
> your era, newer guys feel free to pick something from
>your era...and feel free to pick something involving
>yourself if you really feel like it.

Oh wow, umm let's see there was Dream Match 2, the first ever CWF card back in August of 99, winning the International title, me throwing myself off the top of a cage at Bad Meets Evil, and of course me finally winning the World title at EM4
>Personally my favorite CWF moment was my first singles
>match in the CWF where I made Bob Decot tap out, that
>was pretty damn sweet lol
>3. Out of the Pay Per Views I've worked on since
>taking control (Bad Meets Evil, Rock Bottom, and
>Electromania 4) Which has been the best overall?
>(feel free to skip this one if you haven't been here
>for all three)

Overall I think that EM beats out the others simply because of everything that was told in the matches and backstage segs, the returns, the surprises (I mean when a dead man comes back to life, you're shocked, LOL) but EM has a lot of stories that need to be played out and that's what makes it better than the others in my mind
>4. What's your favorite style of roleplay? Comedy,
>dark/gothic, story form, etc etc.

I prefer to read a comedy rp since I like to laugh even though my style is usually very dark and story like or at least i try to do that.

>5. Do you think I'm gonna come up with another psycho
>match for our next PPV or actually let it slide with a
>relatively normal card? (Just had to throw that one in
>there lol)

Well knowing you it wouldn't surprise me, and since I've been in all the psycho matches so far what is one more to add to the list. And I also have an idea for a specialty match that has never been done and I was gonna use it in my feud with Shane Jackson but we didn't. If you want to know what it is just let me know and I'll tell ya, cause I would love to use it in a feud with someone here

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