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Date Posted: 20:52:59 03/13/03 Thu
Author: Tveite
Author Host/IP: dsc01-mik-mn-2-141.rasserver.net /
Subject: Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious)
In reply to: CWF Prez 's message, "A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious)" on 18:11:42 03/13/03 Thu

>1. Do you think it would be a good idea for The
>President (me) to start a system of booking like is
>used in Pro Wrestling. By that I mean me coming up
>with angles, storylines, etc etc for EVERYONE in the
>fed, and just use feedback from the handlers as
>suggestions only, not necessarily making it what would
>go down. For example, let's just say there was a guy
>called Lincoln Jones...he wanted to do an angle where
>he was a pimp. I take it under advisement, but decide
>he may be better suited for an angle where he appears
>to be gay. Keep in mind that's obviously just an
>example, wouldn't actually do that. Basically what
>I'm asking is do you think there should be an actual
>system in place instead of me just helping people out
>when they ask, where storylines are scripted far in
>advance instead of on the fly. For everyone in the
>fed. And everyone works within those storylines with
>their characters. (This could lead to "Creative
>Control" clauses in contracts which would add a bit
>more realism to the whole thing) Just wanted to get
>opinions. Best example I can give if that such a
>system was in place is I would make myself a list.
>That list would be something like "Wrestler A is
>feuding with Wrestler B. Week one Wrestler A sneak
>attacks Wrestler B in his match. Week two Wrestler A
>and Wrestler B have partners for a tag team match.
>Week three Wrestler B causes Wrestler A to be
>disqualified in a title match"...and stuff like that.
>I wouldn't use the one guy costing the other guy a
>match unless the roleplays for that week made sense
>with it, just to keep things fair. It sounds
>complicated, but I do have a system in mind, just
>wanted to hear feed back to see if it was a good idea
>or not.

Keep it the way it's been, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>2. What would your opinion be on a rotating show
>schedule? Instead of Wednesday Night Glory, it would
>just be CWF Glory, and would be on a different night
>each week, but on a set Schedule. Like if one week
>Glory was on Wednesday, the following week it would be
>on Thursday, and the week after that, on a Friday, and
>the week after, Saturday. And so on. That way, if
>someone has a problem Roleplaying for a Wednesday show
>week in and week out (which some of you have told me
>about) it's not on wednesday each week. Myself and
>Brad (JYD) were talking about this the other night,
>and as I told him, "It wouldn't be screwing over just
>a few guys each and every week because of the bad
>day...it'd be screwing over everyone only some of the
>time" and it would be fair. I would try to keep at
>least partial cards for shows a week or two in advance
>posted so some people would have time to prepare in
>case something comes up (Ie: I'd have the full card
>for a Friday Glory up, along with a partial card for
>the follow week's Saturday Glory, which would be
>filled in after Friday). Again, just an idea I've
>been toying with and want feedback on.

Sounds like a good idea. Might be confusing at first, but it would be nice to have 8 days instead of 7 each week.

>3. If you don't like the idea of rotating shows, what
>is your opinion on 2 shorter shows a week? Wednesday
>show, and a show on another day...both cards with say
>3 matches a piece, with backstage segments on each,
>spreading things out.

Nah, I like the one show a week format MUCH better.

>1. Think of the WWE. I thought it would be kind of
>cool where they had a Pay Per View Event where they
>posted their entire roster, and then lets the fans
>vote in online polls, and by phone or whatever, for
>the matches they want to see on the event. Like have
>spots for 8 matches...a couple of them tag team, and a
>couple of them triple threat and stuff, maybe throw in
>the options of voting for a stipulation or two. But
>in the end, the fans pick who wrestles who, and where
>in the card they wrestle. So for example let's say you
>have a list of the WWE guys in front of you, and you
>want to see Rock wrestle Scott Steiner in the opening
>match...then you want to see, HHH fight Edge in the
>second match, and so on. I personally think it would
>be a huge hit. WWE is always claiming they want to
>give fans what they want to see, that would be the
>ultimate way of doing it, would also be a kick ass way
>to get some fresh storylines. Make it for just one
>event per year, but make it an anual thing replacing
>one of the PPV's like no way out or no mercy or
>something. What do you think?

Sounds awesome, especially since smarks make up most of the WWE's floundering fanbase right now. Smarks know best!

>2. What's been your favorite CWF moment? The guys
>who have been here longer feel free to pick stuff from
> your era, newer guys feel free to pick something from
>your era...and feel free to pick something involving
>yourself if you really feel like it.

Ooooooooooh, it's a tough decision, but I'll say the Chaos Theory on Zeitgeist off the 20 foot ladder in the Web of Pain.

>3. Out of the Pay Per Views I've worked on since
>taking control (Bad Meets Evil, Rock Bottom, and
>Electromania 4) Which has been the best overall?
>(feel free to skip this one if you haven't been here
>for all three)

I'm gonna have to say Rock Bottom, although Javier Moreno vs Curtis Mayhem is by far the best normal singles match I've ever read.

>4. What's your favorite style of roleplay? Comedy,
>dark/gothic, story form, etc etc.

I loves me a good comedy roleplay, but those often get old fast.

>5. Do you think I'm gonna come up with another psycho
>match for our next PPV or actually let it slide with a
>relatively normal card? (Just had to throw that one in
>there lol)

Yeah, and the match will be this: Candyland Match. It will be fought inside a giant gingerbread house. It will be good brutal fun until Flabulas runs down and eats the whole thing.

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[> [> Re: A Poll (Some serious questions, some not so serious) -- Freddie, 21:07:50 03/13/03 Thu (ip-69-10-105-50.cableaz.com/

Heh! I resemble that remark! (said as if I was Flabulas even though I'm not, I'm just his handler)

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