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Re: Getting to know you. -- Travis, 03:54:57 03/20/03 Thu (NoHost/
Ok, I'm a Senior in High School and will be going for psychology at college next year, I work for a credit and collections agency and I'll be 19 on May 7th which is also the date of our next ppv. I like baseball and American Football.
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Freddie, 04:24:51 03/20/03 Thu (ip-69-10-109-57.cableaz.com/
I'm a Junior in Highschool, 17 years old. I'm too damned lazy to get a job... and I don't believe that sports really exist...
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Williams..... Kevin Williams, 08:20:08 03/20/03 Thu (NoHost/
I am a freshman in college. Dont know what I will pursue as a major though. Like Fred, im to lazy to get a job. But Baseball and American Football rules. For the sake of confusion soccer is also called Futball in Spainish so we can call it that. Yeah. Im 19, and I didnt know you were just 16 Brett.... lol.... I thought of you as older. But its all cool. And how old are you Khan??
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Dan (Shooter), 09:04:58 03/20/03 Thu (cf1-new.utc.com/
Hell I guess I am the old man of the group once again.
I am 34 yeah I know it is old so no jokes ok. I do this cause I like the game.
I am a maintenance electrician in a factory it is a good job and I get paid enough. I was in the US Navy for 8 years.
Have a wife and 3 kids. 2 boys 8and 10 and a little girl who is 3
We all know there is only two real sports in the world and that FOOTBALL (Go Titans) and HOCKEY ( Go Blues)
I live right outside Nashville and yes boys and girls that is in Tennessee.
So there is a brief bio
Dan (Shooter)
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Steve, 10:04:13 03/20/03 Thu (public1-ward2-4-cust40.oldh.broadband.ntl.com/
I'm 25 THIS SUNDAY IF ANYONE WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! I'm from Manchester, England and I work as an Employment Law Consultant (I advise employers RE employment legislation/changes, etc). That'll do for now!!
And I like FOOTBALL (its not called 'soccer', its called FOOTBALL...U know, u play it with your FEET and not your hands like US Football!!!
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Ryan, 10:23:11 03/20/03 Thu (pool1-dsl66.conpoint.com/
I'm 22. I go to college in Nebraska and will graduate next December with a Church Music degree. And right now, March Madness is the ONLY thing on my mind. Go Kentucky!!! Ryan
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Kevin from KY, 12:30:35 03/20/03 Thu (NoHost/
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Brad ((JYD)), 12:41:15 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
I'm 18, and a Freshman at a Junior College in Council Bluffs, Iowa.. it's 5 minutes from Omaha. I am studying Athletic Training, but that's always subject to change.
I *LOVE* Sports... mainly Football - AMERICAN STYLE!! WHOO!! I love playing Strong Safety and punishing a Wide Reciever for running a crossing route over the middle.. *MY* middle. I love to hit.. OH BOY! I LOVE ME SOME CONTACT!! LOL. I'm also a basketball player.. and played baseball and hockey at one time.
I'm looking at transferring to a small Division I school.. University of Northern Iowa.. where I plan on walking-on to their football program.
But right now, just like Ryan, all I can think about is March Madness.. LET'S GO DUKIES!!!
I've been e-fedding for roughly four years, in which JYD has been my main handle throughout that time. I've had other handles in the meanwhile - "Nemesis", "'The Real Deal' Brad Steel", and a tag team called "XTreme Heat".
How's that for you Brett??
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Tveite, 13:08:41 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
When I say that I'm the youth, I ain't kiddin' brah. I am 15 years old, and a freshman at Jefferson High School in Bloomington, Minnesota. I am unemployed and live with my parents.
My hobbies are skateboarding, snowboarding, playing basketball, and playing drums for my band, 52 Weaks. As far as sports go, I like football, and, uh... are the CKY movies considered sports?
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Mike Manson, 13:09:42 03/20/03 Thu (pool-141-153-153-212.mad.east.verizon.net/
I'm 17, and a junior in High School. I don't have a job, anymore, but I do plan on starting to look. Problem is that I'm lazy like Freddie.
I'm a guitar player, and play for this band Vege+arian. That's the band that plays Mike Manson's music, btw.
As for sports, I'm a kick ass basketball player, and I also play chess, soccer, and baseball. All which I kicked ass in playing organized for a while.
Anything else?
Oh, and Rick Pitino is going to coach himself to the Final Four or better this March Madness.
Brett is that enough?
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Re: Getting to know you. -- CWF Prez, 13:35:01 03/20/03 Thu (ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com/
I'm 20, 21 in may (10 days after Travis), currently living in Washington (2 hours outside of Seattle) but grew up in Upstate NY. And as you all know in the process of being divorced. I have 2 infant twin daughters. I'm taking a year off before college (ok, so that year turned into 3 years so far, but I still plan on going back) and I'm going to go for creative writing/journalism. Or if I don't do that, I plan on going to Culinary School (cooking school for those people unfamiliar with the term culinary).
I'm a writer, which at the moment is just a polite way of saying unemployed. I do enough free lance work to get by. (Helps that a couple years ago, I got hit by a 15 year old kid on a Jet Ski and broke both my legs, and thus got a $250,000 settlement, and I managed to save about half that in the bank for a small nest egg while I work on a novel).
Love pretty much all sports, with US Football (Go 49ers!) and Baseball (Go Mets!) being my top favs (besides pro wrestling)...and if I ever find a place with a year round ice rink, I think I'd like to look to see how well I do as a Hockey Goalie..ya never know until you try right?
Not a real big college b-ball fan, but I do follow the tournament, and am pulling for Syracuse (ex home state pride really determines that, not that I'm attached to the team or anything).
And I've been e-fedding since late 1993 so at the end of this year, it will be my 10 anniversary...that's even before e-fedding even became popular. (You think feds don't stick around long now? I've signed up for a fed just starting and it was closed literally an hour later...we've come a lonnnnnnnnnng way). I think I've retired like at least 20 times already, and probably will do so again sometime down the line...but I always come back...just something about this game that I love that keeps me coming back for more. Hard to understand/explain, but anyone who's done it for any length of time probably knows what i'm talking about.
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Hitman, 13:44:45 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
I was playin with Hysteria a lot sayin I was 19 and got married already!
I am really 17 and yes I do have a kid although the girl wanted the baby and now she is in Georgia but thats okay I got a girl here in California, I am a senior in high school. I work at Rubio's restaurant and now I also work at Software etc so I can't afford to be lazy.
As for sports, I like Football (Tennessee Titans) College football (Notre Dame), college basketball (Kentucky), and of course pro basketball and I don't give a damn how sorry they are doing right now, they are still going to win the whole damnt hing (Los Angeles Lakers!!!!!!!!)
I play basketball where we just lsot in the regional playoffs, we won the state playoffs but lost the first round in regionals but that is okay because I am actually going some where, I got recruited to a couple of great colleges like Kansas, Oklahoma State (I wish Oklahoma), UCLA (yeah right), and the college that I am going to Arizona........State ( I was pissed when I didn't get Arizona). The only reason why I am going tehre is because I want to stay close on the west and I love my baby and she wants to stay out here.
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[> [>
Re: Getting to know you. -- Hitman, 13:47:08 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
>I was playin with Hysteria a lot sayin I was 19 and
>got married already!
>I am really 17 and yes I do have a kid although the
>girl wanted the baby and now she is in Georgia but
>thats okay I got my new baby girl here in California, I am a
>senior in high school. I work at Rubio's restaurant
>and now I also work at Software etc so I can't afford
>to be lazy.
>As for sports, I like Football (Tennessee Titans)
>College football (Notre Dame), college basketball
>(Kentucky), and of course pro basketball and I don't
>give a damn how sorry they are doing right now, they
>are still going to win the whole damn thing (Los
>Angeles Lakers!!!!!!!!)
>I play basketball where we just lost in the regional
>playoffs, we won the state playoffs but lost the first
>round in regionals but that is okay because I am
>actually going some where, I got recruited to a couple
>of great colleges like Kansas, Oklahoma State (I wish
>Oklahoma), UCLA (yeah right), and the college that I
>am going to Arizona........State ( I was pissed when I
>didn't get Arizona). The only reason why I am going
>there is because I want to stay close on the west and
>I love my baby and she wants to stay out here.
I think that is about it.
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[> [>
Re: Getting to know you. -- Hitman, 13:47:17 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
>I was playin with Hysteria a lot sayin I was 19 and
>got married already!
>I am really 17 and yes I do have a kid although the
>girl wanted the baby and now she is in Georgia but
>thats okay I got my new baby girl here in California, I am a
>senior in high school. I work at Rubio's restaurant
>and now I also work at Software etc so I can't afford
>to be lazy.
>As for sports, I like Football (Tennessee Titans)
>College football (Notre Dame), college basketball
>(Kentucky), and of course pro basketball and I don't
>give a damn how sorry they are doing right now, they
>are still going to win the whole damn thing (Los
>Angeles Lakers!!!!!!!!)
>I play basketball where we just lost in the regional
>playoffs, we won the state playoffs but lost the first
>round in regionals but that is okay because I am
>actually going some where, I got recruited to a couple
>of great colleges like Kansas, Oklahoma State (I wish
>Oklahoma), UCLA (yeah right), and the college that I
>am going to Arizona........State ( I was pissed when I
>didn't get Arizona). The only reason why I am going
>there is because I want to stay close on the west and
>I love my baby and she wants to stay out here.
I think that is about it.
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[> [>
Re: Getting to know you. -- Hitman, 13:48:57 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
>I was playin with Hysteria a lot sayin I was 19 and
>got married already!
>I am really 17 and yes I do have a kid although the
>girl wanted the baby and now she is in Georgia but
>thats okay I got my new baby girl here in California, I am a
>senior in high school. I work at Rubio's restaurant
>and now I also work at Software etc so I can't afford
>to be lazy.
>As for sports, I like Football (Tennessee Titans)
>College football (Notre Dame), college basketball
>(Kentucky), and of course pro basketball and I don't
>give a damn how sorry they are doing right now, they
>are still going to win the whole damn thing (Los
>Angeles Lakers!!!!!!!!)
>I play basketball where we just lost in the regional
>playoffs, we won the state playoffs but lost the first
>round in regionals but that is okay because I am
>actually going some where, I got recruited to a couple
>of great colleges like Kansas, Oklahoma State (I wish
>Oklahoma), UCLA (yeah right), and the college that I
>am going to Arizona........State ( I was pissed when I
>didn't get Arizona). The only reason why I am going
>there is because I want to stay close on the west and
>I love my baby and she wants to stay out here.
I think that is about it.
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Josh, 16:11:53 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
>ok just for the sake of it i wanna know something
>about you all. What your job is and how old you are,
>and any other interesting info.
I am 23 and I am a detention counselor at the Juvenile Detention Center for our county. I got to a community college so that I can finish my degree in Criminal Justice and then go somewhere after that. I use to go to college with Ryan but that is for another poll. and something interesting to note, I like to liftweights everyday and read a good mafia book (I am reading about the Russian mafia right now, they rule) and I have no girlfriend cus I am a jerk...
thats it
oh by the way...SOONERS ALL THE WAY!!! BAY-BEE!!!
and I prefer baseball over football, even though I can't play worth crap
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Josh, 16:12:04 03/20/03 Thu (dialup-
>ok just for the sake of it i wanna know something
>about you all. What your job is and how old you are,
>and any other interesting info.
I am 23 and I am a detention counselor at the Juvenile Detention Center for our county. I got to a community college so that I can finish my degree in Criminal Justice and then go somewhere after that. I use to go to college with Ryan but that is for another poll. and something interesting to note, I like to liftweights everyday and read a good mafia book (I am reading about the Russian mafia right now, they rule) and I have no girlfriend cus I am a jerk...
thats it
oh by the way...SOONERS ALL THE WAY!!! BAY-BEE!!!
and I prefer baseball over football, even though I can't play worth crap
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Hysteria, 17:30:06 03/20/03 Thu (cache-dp02.proxy.aol.com/
I don't care what you want to know, I'm not telling!
P.S. - Hitman sucks!
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Re: Getting to know you. -- Matt Thornhill, 21:35:22 03/20/03 Thu (AC9D0660.ipt.aol.com/
>ok just for the sake of it i wanna know something
>about you all. What your job is and how old you are,
>and any other interesting info.
>Ok im a year 11 student and i havt got a job, I'm
>turning 16 in April and i like cricket and football.
My real name is Matt Hardee (yes, pronounced just like Version 1...does that make me Matt Hardee Version 2? Hmm...a thought for a WWF knockoff efed...). I'm a 21 year old married broke college student. I DJ at a radio station for a living (if you want to call it that) and work part time at Chick-fil-a, a fast food place (try it if you like chicken...mmm...)
I love all sports. I played basketball (I was all-city 3 years and had a verbal commitment to play at the University of Alabama before I tore up my knee and "retired"...see below...) Baseball (I suck. Period. But it's fun to play...) and Football (see above knee injury. Here's the reason...football and my knees do not mix.) in high school. Basketball (go Celtics) football (go Titans) Baseball (go Cubs) and hockey (Go Avalanche). Of course I have to root for the Crimson Tide in the tourney, even though I'd like to see Louisville do something (I played basketball with Marvin Stone in high school) So, yeah. I've bored you all enough...
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