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Date Posted: 21:35:22 03/20/03 Thu
Author: Matt Thornhill
Author Host/IP: AC9D0660.ipt.aol.com /
Subject: Re: Getting to know you.
In reply to: Brett 's message, "Getting to know you." on 01:45:58 03/20/03 Thu

>ok just for the sake of it i wanna know something
>about you all. What your job is and how old you are,
>and any other interesting info.
>Ok im a year 11 student and i havt got a job, I'm
>turning 16 in April and i like cricket and football.
My real name is Matt Hardee (yes, pronounced just like Version 1...does that make me Matt Hardee Version 2? Hmm...a thought for a WWF knockoff efed...). I'm a 21 year old married broke college student. I DJ at a radio station for a living (if you want to call it that) and work part time at Chick-fil-a, a fast food place (try it if you like chicken...mmm...)
I love all sports. I played basketball (I was all-city 3 years and had a verbal commitment to play at the University of Alabama before I tore up my knee and "retired"...see below...) Baseball (I suck. Period. But it's fun to play...) and Football (see above knee injury. Here's the reason...football and my knees do not mix.) in high school. Basketball (go Celtics) football (go Titans) Baseball (go Cubs) and hockey (Go Avalanche). Of course I have to root for the Crimson Tide in the tourney, even though I'd like to see Louisville do something (I played basketball with Marvin Stone in high school) So, yeah. I've bored you all enough...

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