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Date Posted: 10:29:00 09/02/02 Mon
Author: Azrael
Subject: ± home sweet home

± damsel of the night's moved through the empty house, in her hand a single red rose. She laid it on the table moving through her abode- a thoughtful look on her face. This place needed to be cleaned- too many parties and such had taken place- and the blood stains needed to be washed out. She growled softly to herself. She hated cleaning but this place was a mess. From underneath the kitchen sink going about and getting the stains out of the carpet. She then took the majority of the containers and such out of the house and dump them on the street. Content with the work she moved to the pleasure room as she enjoyed calling it, dusting off the weapons that she hadn't used in awhile and sharpening them- running a finger down the miscellaneous blades. She wanted to play- but the question was with who.

± only one suitable playmate would satisfy her now- Angelus- but the vengeful one was dethroning Spike at this moment and seducing Bri. She hissed loudly, how she hated both of them. She put the sword back on the rack, moving into the bedroom- cleaning the place up attempting to be patient. She would see Angelus soon- that much she make sure. Bri wouldn't be the only one to have a bit of fun. She glanced at the hot tub- yes that would soothe her. She moved into the kitchen- debating whether she should get a bottle of wine or blood. She opted for the wine- she had fed only hours earlier and really didn't need the blood.

± she moved back into the tub, filling it with steaming hot water and lighting the various candles. She slipped of the clothes, the bare skin holding an unearthy glow in the fading moonlight. Slowly she lowered herself into the bath, the hair held up out of the water. Black outlined orbs close, enjoying the feeling of the water against her normally coldish skin. Hand took hold of the wine bottle, bringing it up to ruby lips- allowing the contents to run down her throat.

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