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Subject: Re: Just checking in - miss everyone

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Date Posted: 17:10:30 07/30/07 Mon
In reply to: SUSAN 's message, "Re: Just checking in - miss everyone" on 17:50:09 07/29/07 Sun

To all of you that I feel I know who you truly are at the core of your being: From what I can tell, the board has been slow lately b/c we are all going through a healing process. I think that something to be proud of and for each of us to feel an achievement in. Heather -you have remained strong -and for the year and 5 months since I find this site -this is the first time you have stuck to your guns! I am so proud of you! I know some days are hard -especially those special holidays and times when you son's heart hurt. But, keep staying strong for them...as well as yourself. We all have endured a great amount of stress heartbreak and broken dreams, yet we all still love with all of your heart and remain strong for your children. That's the common bond here amongst friends that have never even met! We are strong women who are remarkable mothers! I want to remind you all of that -as I need to remind myself that internally sometimes too.
Update on me: Like Heather mentioned holidays bring them out of the woodwork -he sent my daughter a letter on her 13th b-day. That was the first and last time we have heard from him since June 2006. He still is not paying the $1265 p.month in owed child support, and that sucks, but I am learning to let go of the anger and just do it myself as I have always done. Heard he looks horrible and his teeth are all brown (sad b/c he had the most beautiful teeth). I saw him driving yesterday morning down our street (as he lives only 2 miles down the road), but this time it didn't evoke the anger inside me...I think that means I am getting over the anger at his drug addiction and betrayal of my daughter a little bit. I started seeing someone!! Yes...it was a great 6 weeks -haha -but my insecurities and fears of abandonment waved it's ugly head and it scared him off! Well, maybe I'm not quite healed yet...haha
Wishing you all the best! Be proud of your accomplishments!!

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Re: Just checking in - miss everyoneHeather09:26:10 07/31/07 Tue

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