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Subject: Re: He called again

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Date Posted: 08:54:52 08/02/07 Thu
In reply to: Heather 's message, "He called again" on 15:10:12 08/01/07 Wed

You got it girl!!!! Keep up the good work. My daughter keeps popping up like that too. We went to a birthday party for one of little one's friends and guess who just happen to be there....my daughter.... She made me sooooo mad because when little one saw her she asked if she could spend time with her mommy. What do you say????? I guess I was stupid and told her that she could spend some time with her that night. Well my daughter was suppose to call and make arrangements for us to go do something that night and guess what???? she never called. Little one was so upset and kept begging me to call her mommy. I told her that I didn't have her number...which I didn't because she had moved.... My daughter finally called two days later to tell us that she had made it to Job Corp in another town. Little one picked up the other phone without me knowing at the time and begged her mom to come see her right then, her mom told her that she couldn't come now but she would be there in two weeks to see her. Anyways it ended up with Little one crying and hanging the phone up on her mom. My daugher called the next night and told me that she didn't want to speak to Little one but wanted to know if we could make it for visitation day and wanted to know if Little one was mad at her. I told her that she was, that she promised her that she would see her the night of the party and never showed or called. She said that she had went home and fell asleep. I told her that we didn't have the money to come see her that she was going to have to wait to see her until she got in town. Now I am really mad at myself for getting dragged into all of this again and don't know what to do?????? You stick by your guns because after watching Little one go through all that pain again it's just not worth it. I'm really proud of you, can't wait til I can get to the point that you are at, but when they are right there in front of the kids....what do you say?????

I know all of this doesn't make any sense and I'm sorry for going on so long, I am just confussed and don't know what to do about this......

Anyways.....good job....keep it up!!!!!

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Subject Author Date
Re: He called againHeather08:59:00 08/02/07 Thu
Re: He called againHeather19:15:49 12/02/07 Sun

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