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Subject: Re: Not sure......are they using again?

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Date Posted: 06:37:39 11/15/07 Thu
In reply to: Been There 's message, "Re: Not sure......are they using again?" on 13:49:37 11/12/07 Mon

You are all so right! I am no longe babysitting my niece and it is killing me cuz I just love her so much. But after even MORE name calling, my mom telling me she really doesn[t want us to be upset with one another (just me by the way since she refuses to even think he may be using again, unless she has absolute proof....there was no absolute proof last time...until it was nearly too late). I even broke an offered to babysit again and Becky said she would have to think it over for the night...so i told her better yet she should try the new place and after the holidays if she wants to bring her back she can....i know, enabling, i just love my niece soo much....of course my brother uses that as a manipulation tool.....my husband says CUT THEM OFF...

I know he is right, my father has said..."to hell with him" he is fed up with trying to help and tired of being treated so poorly.

My brother continues to deny....fact is i would rather know that he treats me sooo terribly and disrespects me due to some problem rather than that how he normally would be toward his own sister.

what kills me to is just a week ago becky and my brother were in such a fight and she ended up at her parents house, stayed overnight and now they are right back where they were and acting as if everything is just peachy....

i just don't understand....thank you to all of you for taking the time to speak to me, give me advice, etc....i am soo grateful!

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Re: Not sure......are they using again?Shelly18:08:19 11/15/07 Thu

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