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Subject: Re: I have a good question

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Date Posted: 01:34:39 11/29/08 Sat
In reply to: Shari 's message, "Re: I have a good question" on 15:58:12 11/28/08 Fri

I think deep down inside, you know what are answers are. I pretty much mirror what Shari says. There can be no good in spinnning out over your ex. He doesn't care about you, his son or anything else except himself. One of the most amazing things that my ex told me after he pulled his life together, got his own place, great job and humble sprituality is that the best thing I ever did for him was to get out of the way like God told me to. He said that this made him see that I was no longer there to comfort him and he felt like because of the choices he kept making that the Holy Spirit fled from him and he was terrified and was dead. He began desperately seeking God and kept focusing on Him knowing that he lost everyone and everything and needed God so bad. He found a comforter. Most importantly, I was focusing on God an taking care of myself and completely detached from my ex. This saved my sanity an helped me stay close to God and not try to BE God. Let God work in your lives and let Him show you how awesome life with Him is - your faith will grow - hich is what he wants.
You can't fix anyone and it is not your place. Pray and ask God to help you turn from this man and He will do it.
Claim all of the promises that you know exists.
God Be with you

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