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Subject: Re: I am so confused about the effects

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Date Posted: 09:18:34 12/29/08 Mon
In reply to: Nikki 's message, "I am so confused about the effects" on 10:21:12 12/16/08 Tue

My heart goes out to you, because like you my family went thru horrible times with my 38 year old son for five years. He was married with children 9 and 13. After ten years his wife had had enough so filed for divorce, then things really began to get worse, the accusations, people after him and trying to turn the children against everybody. Everytime he opened his mouth he lied and turned on his whole family except his Dad, because he knew his Dad would keep giving him money. His Dad and I were on the verge of divorce, after 42 years, last November when he had one of his really bad times and completely destroyed his work truck. The law here in our small town made a deal with him to drop charges if he would go to rehab, he did. We took him out to Dallas, Tx the day after Thanksgiving last year and they also believed everything he told them. He talked them into letting him come home for Christmas even tho I repeatedly told them he didn't need to come that soon but because he was an adult we couldn't have a say in the matter. The day after Christmas he took a gun out in the woods and killed himself. I know this is long but I'm telling you this so you can know how very important it is to get him into a treatment program and be sure to check out the place very good before he goes. My son had written out his plans to kill himself in notebooks before he left the rehab but they didn't read them, because they said he had rights and they couldn't read his books. He wasn't even paying for the rehab yet we didn't have any rights at all. Please try to convince him to get help. I prayed the whole time we were going thru this that our Lord would do whatever it took to protect those two little children and He did, not in the way we would have wanted but He healed him and now the two children are doing really well for what they went thru. I will remember you in my prayers and please protect your children.

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Re: I am so confused about the effectsNikki14:03:02 12/29/08 Mon

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