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Subject: Hello

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Date Posted: 20:00:34 01/18/10 Mon

Hi Everyone. I hope things are going well in the New Year for everyone. As for me , I am surviving. Still trying to protect my son every moment. His dad got out of jail last summer and bugs every now and again but has not taken me to court. He says he knows what he has to do. I pray he leaves it all alone and lets my son stay focused on his life. My boy is so big now. He understands more now than ever. I finally explained to him that his dad was on drugs from the time him and I met until the time he went to prison. We talked alot about it as we drove around our house. I didn't want to park at the house until I was able to answer his questions. He asked what are drugs and what do they do to you, stuff like that. There is much more to the story than the drugs and Im not sure if you all know the rest of the story. My son told me one day that he remembers all the bad stuff his dad did to him. Not that it made me happy to hear, but it made me feel like it made more sense as to why I felt I had to protect him.
I did finally figure out that people don't really change all that much from the person they really are just because they use meth. They actually are still that person after the drugs are gone. Weird I thought he would be some super hero when the drugs were gone. But he is not, he is still the same man, mean and evil in my eyes. He has some really bad mental issues that probably one day will require medication if not at this moment. I also know that he is a sex addict. So glad he is not in my life, so glad I have no love for him at all, so glad I am not living that nightmare. I must say though, I do feel terrible for his girlfriend. She is 23, yes so young, but I fear her heart will be crushed. I felt for awhile like, good she deserves it for being with a married man, but now I am grateful he is gone. ha ha. I know she is a good person, I just hope she gets out before she gets hurt too bad. Luckily it is not my problem.
Anyhow, my life is good and as normal as normal can be. raising my gorgeous boys, one is almost 14 and the other is 8.
Would love to hear how everyone is doing.
Happy New Year.

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Re: HelloHulalea01:37:10 01/28/10 Thu
  • Re: Hello -- Heather, 20:05:31 01/30/10 Sat

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