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Subject: Re: Hello

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Date Posted: 01:37:10 01/28/10 Thu
In reply to: Heather 's message, "Hello" on 20:00:34 01/18/10 Mon

Hey Heather! So wonderful to hear from you and to hear that you and the boys are well. I completely agree with you on your point of people not changing. My ex is also still the same. He has quit then relapsed so many times in spite of the fact that he was recently given some amazing chances and blew them all. He has lost 3 jobs, sold his truck, pawned all of his musical instruments and will soon be homeless. I have tried to help him in certain ways but he refuses to honor any type of boundaries and continues to blame everyone else - especially me for his situation. He seems to not have a bottom but I guess that is not my call. He rejects God and has hardened his heart. As for us, my kids are grown now (21 & 25) and both live on the mainland (I'm in Hawaii) so I hardly see them but speak to them daily. I now live alone but am very blessed to have a wondeeful home and a wonderful company. In scripture it says how Jesus tells us to prune the dead branches so that we can produce fruit - I see that as what He has blessed me with in respect to my ex. I miss the kids greatly but have since started doing awesome things for myself - swim competitions and eventually possibly tinman triathlons. You and the boys will be in my prayers. God Be with you.
Hugs, Hulalea

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Re: HelloHeather20:05:31 01/30/10 Sat

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